chapter 6

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' true love is not a miracle ,it is blessing '

A week had been passed since last event i haven't been talking to my sister , i know that she has no fault in what had happen but i am just sad and angry that she didn't take stand for me and didn't let me take stand for my self , it hurt and what hurt the most is that she is changed ,she is not the sister i know she is a different person now , and i don't like this new person and to show my gratitude towards her new transformation ,i miss her dinner party and i know she is angry but so am i . Our parents know something is wrong with us and they try to solve this tension but they fail because they don't know whole story and neither of us going to tell them
Rebecca  try to convince me bt after the dinner she is also angry because she had a hope that i will  join her in that dinner and she will make peace between me and his finance   and try to tell me  how sorry they are for what had happen their  but i  don't want to see their faces and meet them ever in my whole life . She thinks she can convince me but  she is wrong this gruge is not going to settle down easily .

And now i am just sitting on the a chair in my porch lost in my thoughts i really don't know what to do , i just know that i a sad and annoyed  and i am missing something , or i am just annoyed because i am getting old .
Ohh god .

Mom : mia are u even there i have been calling , are u fine

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Mom : mia are u even there i have been calling , are u fine .

Mia : yep.

Mom : bella .

I know she want to know what had happen us

Mom: u know sometime we just have to forgave not for other but for ourself .

And she sit besides me . I just hugged her tightly.

Mom : bella baby ,u know u can tell me everything i am always their for u .

I know she is always their for me she can fight with the world if she have to , to protect her family.

Mia : Nothing i am just missing jeremy .

Mom : i am ur mom , honey i know u are missing him bt i just want to know why are u sad .

Mia : i don't know mom , i just had this weird felling that something is going to happen that something is going to change and i don't know if i am ready .

Mom: u are never ready for anything in your life , u just get use to it and it doesn't know what will happen but i just know that until me and ur father is in this world nothing wrong will be happen to you ,  we are always their for you and if u are feeling this because of this intership then u don't need to do that .

Mia : are u my mother or her doppelganger

Mom: mia .

Mia : u are excited for this intership , you said yourself that finally i am going to do something good in my life and how happy u are that u want me to take part in this intership .

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