chapter 5

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   ' sometimes love is waiting for u are just not ready for it '

Right now i am at my school parking lot waiting for my sis to pick me up
Yes i know it 10:00 am and i have clss to attend bt i think clss can wait and it's ryt time to have a conversation with my sis , i call her and i said i want to talk to her and she said we will talk after my school bt i am losing my patience and I don't think i can take more of this shit .

So cut sort we agreed to talk ryt now and now i am waiting for her to pick me .

Jacob : hey mia

Mia : hi jacob , what are u doing here ?

Jacob : can't i be here .

Mia : ofcourse u can miss gilbert didn't transfer her property to me so this school doesn't belong to me ,still.
Bt jeeya told me that she is going to watch ur today practice so .

Jacob : i came here to pick u up and for today practice i mis it , it was not that important.

Mia : u came to pick me

Jacob: yep ur sis called me earlier and told me to drop u at her office.

Mia : and u agreed , u never ur practice

Jacob : actually i had some paperwork to do at office so i thought why not , and it been while we spend time together .

Ohh now i get the point he want to spend some time with me god save me

Mia : ofcourse

Mia : ofcourse

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I love jocob taste in car

We walk towards the jacob car and he open the door for me , what a gentleman ,as he get  in the car he was staring at me

Mia : what

Jacob : seat belt

Mia : ohh , Seat belt is on . let's go

And we leave the school

Jacob : so howz everything thing .

Mia : great ,like usual

Jacob : are u fine

Mia : yes i am ,why wouldn't i be

Jacob : do u still see those nightmare

Mia : nice weather ryt

Jacob : mia , u know u can share with me  i really want to help u

Mia : i am fine

Jacob : i am really sorry that happen   and i know there is nothing i can do about it i just want to tell u that i miss u ,

Mia : i know and it been 2 year we all move on

Jacob : had u .

Had i this is a question i always asks myself

Mia : so u and stell are dating

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