chpater 20

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As i wake up rebecca side is empty ,i get up,got ready  and went downstairs because i don't want to be alone .

As i went downstairs rebecca greet me .
Rebecca : hey how are u feeling.
Mia : great .
Rebecca : do u want to talk .
Mia : will you tell me truth .
Rebecca : i will get u breakfast.
Mia: no i am fine .
Rebecca : why is that.
Mia: i have appointment today , remember.
Rebecca: u don't have to if u don't want to .
Mia : i want to just get out from here .
Rebecca : it suppose to be our fun  week .
Mia: was ,and we came here to meet witch remember.

Christian : witch ?

Mr mikelson and Christian was standing at the doorway.
And i remember last night and stella Mr.mikelson  king .why?

Mia : i should get going.
Mr.mikelson : where are u going .
Mia: somewhere.
Mr.mikelson: excuse me .
Mia : excused .
Rebecca: she has an appointment in hospital.
Mr.mikelson : why are u hurt .

Is he worried
An emotion came on his face , and he quickly mask it .
Mia :psychotherapist.

He seem confused but didn't ask anything.
Mia: now if u don't mind can i go his highness.

Mr.mikelson : i will give u ride .

Rebecca: thanx but we don't want to trouble you.
Christian:plz miss rebecca , we are related now .
Related  ofcourse stella and mr.mikelson .

Mia : but i am not i don't want to trouble anyone .
Christian: ofcourse you are , you are family .
Mia: but ..
Christian: plz.

Mia : ok

And we leave from there and get in car and he open the door for me .

Inside the car.
I sat silently there
Mr.mikelson : why .

Is he talking to me .
As i face him he was looking at me

Mia : what.
Mr.mikelson : why where u sad when Christian told that we are related .

How does he know . Was it that obvious.
Mr.mikelson : your face and eyes , it say it all .
Mia: i wasn't.
Mr.mikelson: you are lying .
Mia: when did you tell me truth .
Mr.mikelson : i never lie.
Mia : really .
Mr.mikelson : yes .

So i ask i question that was bothering me the most
Mia: so, tell me why did u save me , you kill someone to save me and why he want to kill me .
I am on verge of crying bt i control
And he hold my hand .

Mr.mikelson : i don't know why he try to kill you but i promise that this will never happen again .
Same answer every fucking time .
And we reach our destination and he stop the car and as i was about to leave

Mr.mikelson : and i save you because you matter to me more then anything in this world and i will protect you no matter what i have to do but i will always protect you .

I face him . And i know he is telling truth
Mia : why ?.
Mr.mikelson: because you are mine.

In the clinic.
I think about what he say to me that i am his .
And i am 20 min early so i am waiting in the lobby and after that it was my turn .

She ask me usual questions and i gave her answer and after that i leave for the kevan house .

In the house .
Rebecca : you came home early .

Mia: yep, she just ask me usual questions and after that i leave .

Rebecca: ok,so what's your plan for today .
Mia: didn't have any, yet .
Rebecca: ok then let's go .

Mia: where .
Rebecca : i need to deliver this parcel and you are hoping along .
Mia : ok .

In the car
Mia: so where we are going .
Mia: hahah very funny .

And we reach our destination,we arrive at ben house .

Mia: why we are here ?

Rebecca : today is ben parent's anniversary and he need help to organise a small party .

Mia: you are going to help him throwing a party ,you .

Rebecca : hhahaha thanx , but not me you .
Mia: becca,no you know that.

Rebecca: i know that you didn't organised any party since ggm (great grand parent) anniversary but she is gone and you have to move on .

Mia: it's is easy to say then done .

Rebecca: i know it's difficult bella but you can't stay stuck to these memories forever ,you have to let her go .

Mia: i am trying.
And then front door open ,
Ben: hi guyz, thanx for helping me .
As we entre the house and house was totally bizzare.

Mia: when is the party .
Ben : today .

He really need help .
Rebecca: doesn't look like , i told you to organise the things

Ben: i am trying ok , but i don't know anything thing about decoration and these stupid ballon are bursting and the decoration is doesn't looking nice at all.

Rebecca: just like mia say this is because you have dark base and dark decoration, right mia .

I don't want to do this.

Ben: please mia, save me .
Mia: ok ,first we need help so call someone and second remove the decors and third first we need an idea.

Ben: ok ,on it .

And after exactly 3 hrs of hardwork everything was ready.
Mia: finally.
Ben : i really did good work .

Mia & rebecca: excuse me.

Ben : i mean we .
Mia: now ,we should leave .
Ben : what do u mean , you have to be here for the party .
Mia : ben ,you know I don't like ..
Ben : i know nothing,now go get ready and come back ,you guyz only have 2 hrs .
Mia : ok .

We went to house and get ready .
And we are late and ben has already call me 20 times to recall me that .
As we arrive at party , the party was already start .

Ben : so you are finally here .
Mia : it's all Rebecca's fault.
Rebecca : excuse me who change 5 dress .
Mia : you are excused .
And after that we meet with ben's mom and we congrats her .

And rebecca leave us to find keven .
What a sister , can't really blame her .
Ben : don't you think you should also find someone .
Mia : where this conversation came from .
Ben : comeon,you need boyfriend.
Mia : and how do you know that.
Ben : i see how you look at him.
Mia : who .
Ben : you know whom.
Mia : i really don't know whom?
Ben : mr. Mikelson.
And i choke on my drink .
Ben: are you alright.
Mia: yes,and he is not my type .
Ben : are you sure .
Mia : 1000% and he is engaged to someone else .
Ben : what if he wasn't.
Mia : you really hate  Christian don't you .
Ben: what.
Mia: you didn't invite him.
Ben: don't try to change topic

And our conversation was interrupted thank god because i am not ready for this and he also leave me .
And as i went to grab a drink i see him ,he was looking at me ,did he hear us, what's not possible.
And he was sitting there stella came there , sit on his laps ,hug him and them kiss him on cheeks  .
What the fuck .
This bitch is dead .
As i was about to go there and grab her hair and punch that face of her .
Ben came.
Ben: are you alright, you look pissed .
Mia : that bitch.
Ben: what did she do anything wrong.
Did she .
No , because he is her fiance and only thing that is wrong here is me .
He is like others .

And i leave from there .
Ben follows me .
Ben : will you tell me what happen .
Mia: just seeing her face , remember me what happens  tomorrow.
Ben: i am sorry.
Mia :it's ok

Ofcourse i lied but he didn't need to know .
And rebecca also came outside .
Rebecca : are u alright.
Mia: yep .
Rebecca: there is someone who what to talk to you , if you want to .
Mia: whom .
Rebecca : come inside and see yourself.
Mia : i am not in mood .
Rebecca: if you don't want to ,you don't have to but just think about it .
Mia : fine let's go .
As i came inside i saw he was not there neither was stella.

Mia : who what to talk to me .

Grand Mom: hi mia .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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