chapter 11

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As i was looking around to find out who might be the person who send me this but their is no one who came under my suspicions.
What is happening here ,i have to tell someone .
I put back the bouquet and letter in the locker and lock it and ,
I called rebecca .
Rebecca : hi bella .

Mia : hey ,are u free.

Rebecca: what happen , did something happen with the interview , i told you if you don't want don't do it .

Mia : i got the bouquet, this time with the crown and a letter saying hii honey .

I said as i walk toward the back side of building so no one can here me.

Rebecca : what u always got bouquet not a crown and letter .

Mia : i know , i don't know what to do .

Rebecca : we need to tell someone if this is a prank it is going off our hands.

Mia : i know but we can't tell our parents u know them they will freak out .

Rebecca : keven ?

Mia: no, never .

Rebecca : mia .

Mia : no

Rebecca : fine, ben ?

Mia : no.

Rebecca : half story .

Mia : no, i think someone is just messing with me , that it.

Rebecca : how did u know it.

Mia : because i don't feel scared.

Rebecca : then,what does u feel .
Mia : hmm.

Rebecca : really .

Mia : yes ,i know this is werid .

Rebecca : i never ask you ,how do feel about all this .

Mia : i don't feel scared , i feel like this person can never hurt me ,like i am safe .

I feel like someone eyes on me .

As i turn around  i see that Mr. Mikelson is staring at me from the principal office window .

And i got lost again ,something is pulling me towards him  .

Jacob : hey .

Mia : hey

Jacob : what are u doing here ,i was waiting for u at the hallway .

Mia : i just came here to talk to sis.

Jacob : oh , did i interupt you .

Mia : no , sis i will call back asap .

Rebecca : ok ,be safe .

Mia : i will ,love u .

Jacob : rest asure nothing can harm her until i am here .

Mia: until?

Rebecca : stop it mia , stop messing with him ,bye jacob take care.

Mia,jacob: bye.

Jacob : so let's go.

Mia: where ?

Jacob : didn't you hear the announcement.

Mia : no .

Jacob : we have to go lab for clss.

Mia : why .

Jacob : we have to take the clss and then on the basis of our reactions on the certain problems that arise they gonna judge us .

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