New Beginnings

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A/N - hello new readers! i just wanted to let you all know that i have great plans for this book, and you should stick around and trust the process. i will try as much as i can to post frequently, as im trying to make these chapters rather long. i had an idea to put a couple visuals at the title to help you picture most of these scenarios, hope this helps! enjoy ❤️.

also, fyi rq, i will be using h/c, e/c, s/c, etc. (which means hair color, eye color, skin color and so on.) this is a y/n story, so other than her quirk and her costume, everything else is your choice. (and besides personality obviously lol.)

and yes, my grammar and capitalization is shitty in my authors notes, but that's only because i have my caps off on my keyboard, in the story i will promise to have good grammar LMAO.


11:22 A.M is when I arrived that morning. I kicked the morning off by drinking a cup of coffee on the train I was put on to get here. U.A high was my destination. I couldn't be even more excited, I mean, it's not everyday you're accepted into the best hero training program.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, would you like sugar or cream with your coffee?" An older looking attendant with a small food cart asked me while walking by. "Oh, I'm all set. Thank you." I smile, looking back out the window.

I wait about 20 more minutes until the train comes to a stop. I grab my luggage and head down the aisle, quickly making my way off. I breathe in the fresh air. "Feels nice to be in Musutafu, Japan." I thought to myself. I shake away my thinking, getting to business. I needed to get a taxi in order to get anywhere. I was currently stranded in an open city with busy people doing busy things. I walk along the side of the road, sticking my hand out for a taxi. I did this for about 10 minutes straight, no response..until a group of kids around my age come by.

"Hey, we've seen you out here trying to get a ride for the last 15 minutes, you just wanna come with us?" A red haired kid with sharp teeth offers with a smile. "And you don't have to worry, we're all heroes in training, we won't hurt you." He says, including an airy laugh. I get stuck on my words, not knowing exactly what to say in response.

"Uh.. Thanks, but I mean you guys look like you're having fun I wouldn't want to-" I get cut off politely by a pink haired girl. "No, really! We offered, so please!" She grins sweetly at me.

Everything was pretty much decent until this one blond guy of the group comes up. "The hell are you nerds doing?" He harshly questioned, holding a bag in his hand.

"Well, we were just offering this nice lady a ride back from the train station. No taxi stopped for her." The redhead points out with a slight shrug. The blond one looks me up and down with a deep glare, making me get chills. "I- uhm.. I really can find my own way back. And by the way, the term 'lady' makes me seem old..I'm 17." I stutter, mumbling the last sentence, feeling put under the spotlight.

"Oh hush, if it's just because of Bakugou, just know he's always like this, if anything, even worse." The pink girl explains.

I look between the group, now looking down at my feet and bags. "Only if you don't mind.." I come to a conclusion. "Great!" Most of them shouted. As we walked to the car they brought, they toss my luggage into the trunk. I sat with the driver, the redhead, as the blond one made a fit about letting him behind the wheel.

"So, what's your name? You here for anything specific?" The pink girl wonders. "O-oh, I'm Y/n L/n. I came here to Musutafu Japan because of the great schools they have here for heroes and the agencies." I told the group. "Oh cool! You're talking about U.A right? We go there! Maybe you'll be in our class." Another one from the group said, this one being the yellow haired kid with a lightning bolt through his hair.

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