Stood Up

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Since the night I received a text from Alan, we've been texting back and fourth. He and I really wanted to meet up as soon as we could.

All of my friends seemed suspicious of what I was up to, and I didn't mind too much. I just simply told them I wanted to meet up with a friend. It was too complicated to get into.

Whenever I would talk about Alan with Bakugou around, he would always become uncomfortable or annoyed. I never thought too deep into things, but I wondered what he was thinking.


Soon, the day arrived that I had plans with Alan. While I was getting ready, Bakugou had sent me a facetime call. "Hey, what's up?" I pick up the phone. "Are you going to come over for the Homework Project?" He says.

I froze in my spot. I forgot?

"Uh- change of plans. I have to head out to go see Alan." I stuttered. "..That's annoying." He groans. "We're going to this place called-" I began to speak but Bakugou just hung up on me. I roll my eyes, stopping what I was doing and recalled him.

He answered after a second try, and he seemed irritated. "Why the fuck did you hang up on me, dude?" I complained to him. "Because you're always on a rant about that stupid dickwad, Alan." He yells into the microphone.

"Doesn't mean you can just hang up on me, dummy!" I flicked the camera and Bakugou just stuck his middle finger up at me. I finished applying my mascara, and looked back to the camera.

"Do I look ok?" I fix my hair. "You look stupid." Bakugou says as he tries on filters through snapchat. "Thanks. Super motivating, Bakugou." I chuckle a bit before getting up from my spot.

"360 or what?" I ask playfully. "Sure." He goes along. I did a small spin in front of the camera, wearing a pinkish-nude colored maxi-dress, black heels, black purse and gold jewelry.

"The hell are you guys going anyway?" Bakugou managed to blurt out. "If you would've let me finished earlier, you'd know." I walk back over to the camera. "We're going to this cute place down the street that serves korean dishes. I'm so excited." I squeal. "I'll let you know how it went."
I add before I waved at him and said bye.

Now it was time to meet up with the guy! I put my phone in my purse, grabbed some cash and put that too in my purse. I walked happily down the street from our school, heading to the restaurant.

Once I arrived. I grabbed my phone to see no notifications from him. I decided to call him, and he answers almost immediately. "Hey, I'm here, where are you?" I simply question, his answer being, "Sorry! Running a little late, I'll be there soon."

I took that as a chance to get seated, ordering a drink to wait. It started with being 10 minutes late, then turning into 30, then 40. I had been texting and calling, with no response.

How lame. Where even was this guy? I decided to pay for my single drink I had gotten, getting up and leaving. I stormed out of the restaurant in my own thoughts. "Why do I always fall for these stupid guys." I whispered under my breath. I continued to head back into the school grounds, meeting my dormitory area.

When I had got into the elevator, I couldn't help but tear up. This would have been my first date, but it went to shit. I thought about the plans I had made with Bakugou, that I had forgotten about. "I'll just hang out with him instead." I say to myself, wiping the few tears that fell.

I made my way to his door, knocking ever so slightly on it. An angry Bakugou opened the door but softened up when he saw me. "Why are you back so early?" He wondered. "I got stood up.. can I just come inside." I awkwardly stood there with glossy eyes and slightly smudged mascara. "Yeah. Whatever." He agreed, allowing me permission into his dorm.

I sat on the edge of his bed for some time, staring down at my feet. "How long were you there for?" Bakugou approaches me, looking down at me. "45 minutes." I shrugged.

We stood quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Let' something then." He suggests. "Really? Like what?" My mood lightened a little, and I could tell he noticed, too. "Let's just go back to the restaurant you were at, we can just get take-out. You seemed excited to try it, so whatever." He shifts towards the door.

Bakugou had been thinking of me. That's was sweet. "Thank you." I smiled, getting up and following him. "Yeah don't get too attached." He says with the smallest smile on his lips.


As we walk there, we had small talk. It was about the other students in our class, along with the other students that were in class 1-B. I wasn't too familiar with other classes since I had just got here, but neither did Bakugou. He just didn't care enough to learn everyone's names.

When we arrived, we ordered pretty quick. There was a small line so we were given our order also fast. Bakugou had paid for the two of us, which I thanked him for again, but wouldn't have minded paying.

Instead of going right back to the dorms, we found a couple tables placed around by a sidewalk in a park, so we decided to eat there as well.

I had gotten a new dish that I have never tried before and I was super enthusiastic. I opened up my meal and dug in straight away. Bakugou got something spicy and he ate it with no hesitation or any issues.

While eating, we'd talk about other people walking by, and I'm not going to lie, him and I were in fact judging them without them knowing.

We didn't really give a rats ass, though, this is Bakugou and Y/n for you.

I finished absolutely everything, as did the blond boy sitting in front of me. We sat there a little bit longer, enjoying our surroundings before we needed to go back to the dorms.

We got rid of all of our trash, and took ourselves back to the dorm. Bakugou and I were about to part ways at our doors before I went up to him, grabbing him for a small hug.

"Thank you for making me feel better tonight." I back up, leaving him a little shocked from the affection. I enter my room, locking my door behind me.

As I was getting ready to go to sleep, I could only think about Bakugou. Not Alan, not anyone else, Bakugou.

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