Mrs. Bakugou

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It's been a couple days since studying with Bakugou, and it seemed to me that he's gotten a little more comfortable around my presence. At least for the most part.

For example, during training he'd always choose me as his opponent, and always made smart comments on almost anything I do.

Though, when I sat in my seat last period, we had to get with a partner to, "Build A Continent" that included a fair civilization and maintained safety, shelter and food. Seemed easy enough. I didn't even need a partner, so I didn't get up and choose one.

"Bakugou, L/n, have you found your partners?" Mr. Aizawa announced. "I'm working alone." Bakugou and I said at the same time. "No, I told you all I didn't have enough supplies, you two can partner up." He concludes, continuing on with the instructions.

Due to his intelligence, I wasn't completely pissed off, but still rather be alone. Once we were told to start, I began on a rough draft. "Get rid of that, idiot. We don't need that." He takes the paper I drew on, tossing it.

"Hey! The instructions list that we need a rough draft to get full credit, smart ass!" I bend over in the chair, picking the page up and kept drawing. Bakugou helped me partially with the brain storming, as we wrote down important details to help the project.

I was definitely gonna have fun with this.


Once we had stopped for the day, we had planned to do it outside of school as well, knowing it'll take a while to complete.

Bakugou rips a small piece of paper he found on the floor, and started writing on it. When he was done, he handed it over to me, grabbing the poster board, supplies and sketch, taking it with him.

"What's this for?" I ask, looking down at the page with a number written down on it. His number written down on it. "So we can figure out when to finish this, stupid." He walks off.

I followed merely behind him, wanting to make conversation, but as usual, couldn't.

"What do you want, dumbass?" Bakugou suddenly came forward. "'d you know I was-" He cuts me off. "I can hear your heavy ass footsteps behind me!" He snaps, but then waits for me to catch up with him, so I do so.

As we walk back together, we noticed the rest of the group hadn't come with us. I wondered why, but didn't care enough to go back and ask.

"Hey, dumbass." Bakugou grabs the attention of me. "What's up?" I reply pretty quickly. I look up at him, waiting for a response. "I'm going over to my mom's house this weekend and you're coming because of the project." He planned out. "Okay then just don't ask about my responsibilities." I sighed sarcastically, him just rolling his eyes. "Which ones?" Bakugou jokes.


When the weekend arrives, I did as Bakugou had wanted me to, come to his house. We went there in the same car, as we waited on the footsteps for Bakugou's mom to answer.

I stood there awkwardly next to him as the door starting to open. "Katsuki, why do you always- who is this?" She simply points at me with a high pitch tone. "Move, hag. That's my partner for a project I have to do." He shoves her out of the way impolitely, as I had done the opposite.

I held my hand out for her to shake it, and instead she brought me in for a quick hug. "Thank you for dealing with my son, dear. I know how he can be. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. If you need anything let me know!" She cheers, and I only smile at her and thank her.

"Shut up, mom!" Bakugou cries out. He grabs the back of my uniform, dragging me upstairs. When entering the room, I catch a glimpse of all the posters he has hanging on the front side of his door.

I look around a little, seeming rather curious about what kind of person he's really like. "Stop being a creep and sit down. Let's get this shit over with."

For the next hour or so we had made outlines of what everything looked like and what ocean it was in, etcetera. I was liking it so far, so I began to color it in when I was happy with the final product. We after made a key for the map, making it easier to locate everything.

"Look at that, dude!" I hollered, getting up from the bed and doing a little celebratory dance. "Yeah, bitches! Now that's called hard work! Kiss my ass!" I hop around a little before a pillow was thrown at me. "Shut up, idiot." He says with a small laugh, trying to cover it up.

I knew deep down he enjoyed my presence. Who wouldn't?

I grabbed the pillow from off the floor, and jumped towards Bakugou with it. I tackled him onto his bed, straddling him then hitting him with the pillow playfully over and over again.

I immediately stopped and got up off of him when I heard the door open and Mrs. Bakugou speak up. "Hi- I just wanted to tell you dinner is ready, Katsuki. And you're welcome to join us if you would like to."

I look at Bakugou with a small smile before walking down the stairs with him in front of me. "Ignore everything that old hag says, got it?" He grumbles to me. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

In all actuality, I liked his mom. She felt very welcoming towards me. I feel a small vibration coming from my pocket. I check my phone to see a notification coming from an unknown number. It read, "Hey, stranger! It's me, Alan. Just checking up, how does a date sound next week?"

I reply back, "Hey, got worried for a sec that you were gonna ghost me! Haha." Once it was sent, I turned my phone back off, shoving it right back in my pocket where it belongs.

"Who was that?" Bakugou peers over me. "Nobody?" I roll my eyes blandly. I walked my way to the table where dinner was set up on. "Thanks so much, Mrs. Bakugou! Looks delicious." My eyes ponder on the food in front of me.

"Of course, dear. You are welcome here anytime!" She beams. I smile at Mr. Bakugou as well as we helped ourselves to the food.

As I ate it, I couldn't stop. This shit was fucking good! She knew how to season the right way.

After the meals, I insisted on helping Mrs. Bakugou out with the dishes, and when that was done, I had grabbed my stuff, and headed off, thanking everyone again.

It made me happy to know that he wasn't all that ashamed of me? I mean I met his mom.

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