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As I stepped out of the shower I had just taken, my mind starts wandering. Immediately I had thought of my aunt and how I hadn't told her where I was. I still had not returned, and wanted it to stay that way, but I knew it couldn't.

I was still in Bakugou's house, as I was now drying off. I observe myself in the mirror, seeing bloodied patches and bruises scattered across my torso everywhere. It was hard to miss.

I took my time as I got ready for the day in Bakugou's bathroom, knowing I wasn't in the need to rush for anything. I dried my hair off quickly, putting my undergarments back on, along with a pair of shorts he gave me. I left the new T-shirt off, as I opened the door. Bakugou was waiting for me behind it, as I held the reusable bandage in one hand, the doorknob in the other.

"Hey, I could use your help again." I refer to the wrap I had been holding. "Sure, whatever." He mumbles, issuing me to turn around, so I do. I hand over the wrap, as he began putting pressure around my torso with it, wrapping it all the way around until he ran out of it.

"Thank you." I say lowly, grabbing the shirt he gave me that was sitting on the bathroom counter for me. Written on it was, "Lil Peep - Live Forever." I take a good look at it before pulling it over my head, turning right back around after the fact. "Good taste." I input. He just gives me a small smirk.

I check my phone that was placed in my waistband, receiving multiple notifications from my aunt. "Shit." I groan, mentally facepalming myself. I knew that this wasn't a good idea, now I was going to get my ass beat when I return.

I reply back, mentioning that I'd be back soon.
Aunt Sakura

Where have you been you

You have things to do!

I'm so sorry. I was at a
friend's for a project.

It won't happen again. I swear.

Better not! Be back in 15.

I mean it.

I will.


I shut off my phone, breathing in air that I didn't know was being held as I was texting her back. A chill ran up my spine as I had a reminder in the back of my mind of last night. There was nothing good that was going to come out of this.

"Hey, I have to head back. I- uh, I just wanna thank you for all of this, n' all." I stutter, looking down at my feet.

Bakugou gave me a deep concerned look that I saw on his face last night. "You don't just wanna stay here until it's over?" He suggests.

I simply shake my head. "It's cool. My aunt needs me back anyway, but thank you." I grabbed my items, walking downstairs to the front door. I was met by Mitsuki who had been folding laundry. I waved at her joyfully, getting a kind smile on return. "You heading out, sweetheart?" She asks me nicely. "Yes, thank you for having me over." I grin sweetly, walking out the house.

As soon as I shut the door, I bolted down the sidewalk, running towards the direction of my aunt's house.

I cut through people's yards and over fences to make sure I made it back in time. In all reality, it was a 30 minute walk, but I ran as fast as I could on foot. I hit 20 minutes when I made it to my front door, out of breath, my chest on fire, legs burning.

I opened the door, meeting my aunt and her boyfriend sitting on the couch watching the news with beers in their hands. It wasn't even noon yet. I shut the door behind me, getting their attention. They turn my way with a scowl on their faces. "About time. You're late." My aunt says.

I sigh, placing my bag on the counter. "I was 5 minutes late, it's a long walk." I tell her, as a result, she stands up in a threatening manner. "Do not back talk me." She had warned me. "I'm not." I ended the conversation, walking away from her, into the laundry room that was now my bedroom.

Of course I wanted to stay at Bakugou's house, it was a little safer and way more comfortable. But I knew I couldn't for this exact reason. What a shame.

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