Culture Festival

17 4 10

The week went by rather quickly, as I had gotten comfortable with everyone else in the class.. all except Mineta.

Here's a quick run down of what happened.


"Do you think Mr. Aizawa would let us go out this weekend, you guys?" Mina asked the 'Bakusquad'.

"Where did you plan to go?" I wondered, tilting my head up at her in question.

"Nothing too crazy, but I was hoping maybe we can go to the festival in town, y'know, the one that happens every year to represent our culture?" Mina brightly grinned to the group in front of her.

"I wanna come!" Kaminari blurts out with a cheesy smile. "Count me in, I've gotta see the sexy Canadian new girl in sexy Japanese attire!" Mineta practically drooled.

I make a face at him, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in my own damn skin. "You wish." I roll my eyes. "How did this loser even get into this class.." I began muttering to the rest of the kids.

"Oh come on! I never get any action up in here!" Mineta pouts.

"AND YOU WONDER WHY!" Bakugou points out, sitting up from the couch and threw his magazine he was once peacefully reading, at the weird perverted kid's head in front of him. The magazine took him out, making him land on his ass, his purple balls at the top of his head making him stay stuck to the floor.

I pause for a moment before laughing my ass off. I took a couple seconds to breathe in between, but everyone started laughing with me. "I don't think I've ever enjoyed something so much." I wipe a happy tear.

"Did you hear that, Mineta? Cute new girl said she enjoys-" Kaminari winks before I cut him off, pulling a "Bakugou" by grabbing an orange and chucking it at him.

Bingo, right in the balls.

"AW FUCKKK!!!!" He cries out, laughter erupting from the room all over again. Now I sort of saw why Bakugou had so much fun bullying these kinda people. At least the kind of people like them.

The two of them pretty much scurried off afterwards, giving me the impression that they were completely and utterly pussies. Beats me.

A little while later, I took a small trip with Mina over to the next building to greet our home room teacher, the one and only, Mr. Aizawa. I already knew that she wouldn't let Mineta come to the festival with us, so I didn't mind too much. Maybe getting out of the dorms for a little bit can lighten my mood.

When the small talk with our teacher was over, we received the news that it would be fine to join the event this weekend. Both Mina and I had thanked him multiple times for the chance to have fun with our friends.

Her and I both walked right on back to the dorms, thrashing with excitement each step we took. "We're gonna get all dolled up and get some photos with cute boys!" She went on, talking about how she wanted it to be the perfect day.

My mood had spiked, in meaning I was pretty much just as hyper as the pink girl beside me.

"We can find you a Japanese boyfriend, and you will be so happy! We're gonna have so much fun!" Mina boasts, taking me by both of my hands and spun me around with her. I only laugh hysterically at this. If Ashido was an animal, she'd be my spirit animal.


"AA! Oh my god you look so good right now." The fluffy pink haired girl screeches, overreacting just a tiny bit.

"Thank you.." I say, taking a long look in the mirror at myself. I felt out of place to say the least, but I felt good in what I was wearing. The celebration requires a tradition from Japan to be showcased for the festival, whether that was your hair, clothes, gifts, dances, shows, etcetera.

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