Aunt Sakura

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We had finally and successfully made it to spring break, as everyone seemed so excited. My aunt had planned for me to come home for the vacation, but I really didn't want to..due to some reasons.

Everybody had packed their bags the night before, all planning to be picked up by their families or driven to their houses.

I sat in the living room anxiously, waiting for my aunt to shoot me a text saying she arrived, though I wish it wouldn't happen at all.

I soon see Bakugou with a bag, also waiting for his family. "Hey, dumbass. You got family here?" He asks, taking a seat by me impatiently. "Yeah. My aunt and her boyfriend live here." I mumbled.

The more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to go, but they weren't allowing students to stay at the dorms this week due to renovations. It was stupid, and I wanted to complain, but I knew I couldn't tell them. I couldn't.

"You're acting weird." Bakugou points out. "No, I'm not." I assure him, blinking up at him, but I had been biting on my nails nervously without realizing it. "Whatever. Just..text me if anything." He grumbled lowly, not showing his worry or concern for me.

My phone went off once and I flinched. I pick it up, looking at the message that read, "We're here. Hurry up." from Aunt Sakura.

I inhale a deep breath, swallowing some of the saliva I didn't notice was building up. "Y/n. What the hell is wrong?" Bakugou stares me down as I stood up shakily. "Nothin'. I'll see you after break." I smiled fakely, but I knew he knew something was up, obviously.

I was never good at controlling my actions and emotions when I was anxious.

I exit the building hastily, seeing her familiar black truck she always had, her husband left it for her before he passed away, and she's kept it since. I knew she couldn't afford much else, anyways.

I throw my luggage into the back seat, along with myself as I quietly say 'hello' to my step-uncle and aunt. I didn't really get a reply, only a grunt from the man in the passenger seat.

It was a silent drive home before Aunt Sakura spoke up. "So, you been makin' yourself useful, young lady? We sure need the help in our house as long as you're staying with us."

I nod slowly. "Sure, Aunty. I'll help." I sigh. As we park in the driveway, memories haunt me from when I was a little kid.

I remembered the months I had to stay here for when looking for a foster home to take me in after my family passed. I also remembered the times where I was forced to do things I didn't want to. When I had to suck it up, because there's certain things "I must do to live in such a nice home."

I hesitantly open the door beside me, hopping out of it with my bags in hand. I bring myself to walk inside, avoiding looking around. I didn't want to be reminded any more of anything.

"Now you go and put your shit away, then make us something to eat. Show us some courtesy." My aunt's boyfriend slurs, slamming the fridge door shut after grabbing a beer and cracking it open.

That had to be at least his 5th one today. I walk quickly to my assigned room, which was the laundry room that had a broken down mattress shoved into it, as it barely even fit between the walls.

I sadly place my bag down, sitting on the corner of the raggedy mattress that was placed on the floor. I pull out my phone and thought about texting Bakugou. As my thumb hovered over his contact information, I thought against it, shutting my phone off.

"Y/n! Let's go!" They rushed me as I just took my time, heading to the kitchen. I looked through the kitchen and spotted nothing I could use to make any meal of any kind. "Hey, Aunt Sakura? I'm going to go to the store real quick, we don't have anymore food left." I say.

"As long as it's from your own money, I don't give a shit. Be back before noon." She waves me off, chugging the rest of the beer left in her cheap can.


The walk to the store was peaceful, and so far, they haven't laid a finger on me. Maybe this break won't go too bad.

I may have thought too soon, because a tall male with a dark hoodie on had began to approach me. "Hey, little lady. What you doing all alone out here? It's dark, y'know.." The man had laughed disturbingly. I knew I couldn't physically fight a man twice the size of me, so I used my quirk and intelligence to my advantage.

I activated my quirk, causing my eyes to shine a bright green for only a couple of seconds, hypnotizing the man in front of me. He stood still as I walked off, now arriving at my destination.

As I walked through the store, my eyes scanned anything that was cheap enough to buy, but good enough to eat. I didn't have a job at the moment, as I was a full time student at U.A Highschool. During the summers, though, I have a job. Last summer I saved up a bunch of money, as I knew I'd come here to Japan and not have time for employment.

I made my choice of food, placing it on the cashier's desk. He scans the food, as I selected my method of payment, which was card. I pulled it out before a bunch of items were put on the counter from someone behind me. I spin around and see Bakugou standing in front of me with a small smirk. I sigh with a laugh coming from my mouth as he paid for all of our stuff, separating each other's items in different bags.

"What a coincidence." I giggle, taking my bag from his hand. "Yeah. Guess so." He shrugs, placing his wallet back into his pocket. I had to be thankful to always meet him in situations I need him the most. Sure, I was used to him paying for my stuff, but this time I really needed it. Who knows how many times they'll have me pay for their groceries while I'm visiting.

Bakugou had opened a drink, taking a sip from it. I look up at him, trying to read the label. "Huh, interesting choice." I joked playfully, but my tone had lacked any sort of energy. "What's up with you today?" He brings up again, as I purposefully ignored his question, only answering it with a shrug.

"Well, anyway. I have to go back. Thank you again..and I- um. I hope to run into you again." I sadly smile, leaving him be.

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