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It was a regular old Saturday afternoon which was being spent with Mina, Bakugou and Kirishima. The four of us were just hanging out in the kitchen, raiding the food and talking about the week ahead of us.

"You know, there's this place that I've been really trying to go to, it's like this restaurant that only serves THC edibles." Kirishima exasperated while stuffing his mouth full of Cheetos.

"That sounds awful. Everything is an edible?" I tried to ask him to get the answers I wanted, as I was curious. "Yeah, and then the drinks are just alcohol." Kiri added on. My face made a small grimace thinking about it. "God, that must be packed with drug addicts from the streets all the time." I roll my eyes, but then realized, this isn't Canada anymore, this was Japan, so it probably wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Ehh, not as much as you think it would be. It's hella expensive." Mina shrugged as she butted in. "Who the hell even goes to a place like that?You're just asking to get killed." Bakugou had made sure to point out.

"Honestly, if you think about it, who consumes all of that in one sitting?" I had mumbled in agreement to Bakugou.

Suddenly the main entrance's door swung open, as my eyes fell on the person coming in, who was Mr. Aizawa. "I need two of you to come help me out, it won't take long." He tells us.

Everyone soon fell silent, looking at each other before Mina dashed off, Kirishima following after him not too far behind. Bakugou and I had been sitting on the counters, sluggishly getting off them to help out our teacher with a groan that came from each of us.

The whole reason Bakugou, the others and I were sat down while talking in the kitchen, was because we all ditched a small gathering for some kind of "Quirk Club", it was stupid. All that we would have been doing was showcasing our quirks to the other students, which I thought was lame. Bakugou and I had surprisingly agreed again on how we wanted to keep our quirks for a fight.

While we walked with Mr. Aizawa, we were confused as to what we needed to help him with exactly. "I need a hand with writing schedules down for the upcoming week, I usually have Iida and Momo do it, but they're at the Quirk Club right now." Aizawa responds.

He brought us over to the school building, bringing us into his classroom. We sat in front of his desk, Bakugou sitting beside me. In front of us there was a couple of papers that had read, 'Girls' the other being, 'Boys'.

Bakugou of course took the guy's, as I took the girl's, having to write down who was assigned for different chores this week.

I feel Bakugou's eyes on me as I write, so I look over at his paper and see him rushing to get it done, so I began writing faster as well. It soon became a competition to finish the quickest, as we both lifted our paper up in the air and said, "Done!" in a serious tone.

Bakugou and I gave each other a glare as Aizawa just shook his head and took the papers from us. "Run along, you two." Our teacher sighs in annoyance.

We then both shot up, walking to the door, as I was in front of him, but he obviously didn't like it, so he moved in front of me quickly. I caught on fast enough, and something inside of me had a burning spark. Something inside of me that wanted to piss him off.

So I did just that, walking faster to get in front once again, as it went back and forth, all up until I stepped on his foot, getting a shove from him in response. Should've seen that coming.

All the way back into the dorms we had small arguments, but it wasn't serious enough for either of us to yell, only for us to get annoyed at one another.

We soon raced each other in side, but the two of us couldn't fit through the door frame at the same time, so we tried squishing through. Since I was shorter than him, and a lot lighter, I managed to jump over him, easily making a path for myself, smirking over at him in pride.

I only earned a lecture. "You dumbass! Always thinking you're damn better than me." He pouts as he stomps off to the elevator. I chuckle a bit under my breath as he leaves, as I stood there in the kitchen. Now that I'm thinking about it, I've noticed Bakugou trying to compete with me at any chance he got, for example, whenever I drank or smoked, he did it too. I guess it was a game of chicken.

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