Nursing Home

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Today I had volunteered to go down to the old people's home to help out. I made this decision when I saw a sign up by a cross walk, for help wanted.

As I was on my way out, Bakugou stopped me. "Where are you going?" He squints his eyes at me. "Oh I'm volunteering somewhere. You wanna join?" I ask him nicely.

He looks me up and down, before shrugging. "Just come. It'll be nice to get out of the dorms." I tug him by the hem of his shirt.

He was wearing a black button up shirt open, a gray shirt underneath, with black, baggy Nike sweatpants, while I was wearing a pink, flowy floral sundress. I also had on a pink headband, pink shoes and a pink purse.

As I somewhat made him come, he didn't necessarily refuse. "Let me guess. You like pink." Bakugou chuckled as we walk along the sidewalk. "I love every color. But pink just suits the vibe today." I giggle in response.

We hop on a bus that wasn't too crowded. I sat next to Bakugou, as I peeked out the window. The ride was maybe 5 minutes, getting off the bus rather swiftly.

"The fucking nursing home?" Bakugou deadpans, looking ahead of himself. "Yep! Come on." I drag him into the main office where I greet a tall brunette lady. "Hello! We're both here to volunteer today." I tell her as she greets me with a smile. "Very well then, you can just head right down the hall. Everyone is eating their lunch right now."

We both make our way down the hallway, finding the old people sitting at tables and eating their lunches and desserts.

"Hi! You must be volunteering, yes?" A middle aged woman waves to me. "Oh yes! Is there anything I can start with?" I had asked. "If you would like to have some conversations with the people here, that would be fantastic! Not a lot of them have visitors." The woman admits, as I nodded. "Of course." I say before walking off, grabbing Bakugou by the arm.

I headed over to a lonely looking woman, eating a pudding by herself. She had shakey hands and gray hair that was put into a bun. "Hello, Ma'am. My name is Y/n. I just wanted to come over and see how you're doing today." I politely introduced myself. "And this is my friend, Bakugou." I point over to him as he grunts.

"Oh hello dear. My name is Ms. Oolong. You are a very pretty young lady, I must say. And I am doing well, thank you." The kind old lady compliments with a big grin. I smile at her. "Thank you so much. What is that you are eating?" I try to strike up more of a conversation. "Barbara gave us pudding for dessert today. Chocolate or vanilla. I chose vanilla." She cheerfully explained as I listened.

"Vanilla is a good choice." I had agreed with her, giving her the slightest pat on the back. "Is this your boyfriend? He is very handsome." She laughs, talking as if he wasn't right there. "Oh- no, no. Just a friend. He is handsome though, isn't he?" I joked, playfully elbowing him.

Little did I know that his face turned bright pink in the matter of seconds. I didn't notice due to talking to the woman. We had continued conversation for about 10 more minutes before I waved goodbye, moving onto an old couple.

I was informed that they both had Alzheimer's by the lady that was working with them. "Hello, you two, what are you up to?" I ask as I approach them. "Hi, are you my granddaughter?" The woman wonders in confusion. I couldn't blame her due to her lack of memory.

"No, honey. I'm sorry. I'm volunteering today, I wanted to ask how you were." I gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm good. I'm good." She nods. For the next couple of minutes we sat there talking about politics, as the couple had thought they were still in the year when they were in their 30's. It was pretty sad to say the least, but it felt good to talk to this generation.

As we spoke to other people, Bakugou started to talk to them with me. We were constantly mistaken as either a couple, married or related. It was funny, though.

The clock hit 5pm, as we realized it's been about 3 hours of us being here. We decided to head back to the dorms, as I thank everyone, waving goodbye. I assured staff and patients that I would visit again soon.

On the way back, we were both exhausted and hungry, so we decided to get some take-out, eating it while we sat in the bus. "It wasn't that bad volunteering there, was it?" I say, shoving food in my mouth.

"Yeah, whatever." Bakugou growls, thinking back to when I had called him handsome. I just didn't know at the time it had affected him so much.

I finished my food and beverage before we got to our stop, as did Bakugou. We threw away the trash, heading back to the dorms.

He and I had got to know each other a little bit better today, especially him.

Bakugou's POV

It was odd seeing her the way she was today. Her being so gentle with the older folks, making jokes and complimenting me.. I wasn't sure I liked it, but that's besides the fact, it was new.

I wasn't even sure I wanted to go with her in the first place, but then again, I hadn't said no. It wasn't too horrible.

When we arrived back at the dorms, we parted ways, but I was only left thinking about her.

Why? She was irrelevant to me. So why can't she leave my head? All I could think about is when she called me handsome. But why do I care? She was only a stupid, shitty girl. Nothing else.

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