Loosen Up

19 3 7

When I woke up the next morning, I found Bakugou lying on his side facing me, curled into a pillow. I remembered only part of what happened last night, but didn't remember falling asleep with him?!

I looked down to see if I was still clothed, and I was, so I let go of the breath I didn't notice I was holding. I was in my room, so I couldn't just leave? What was I supposed to do?

I dart my head around the room, before I heard shuffling beside me. I immediately lay back down, acting as if I were asleep. I did not want to deal with his question right now.

I could hear he was sitting up and stretching, until it went quiet. I was shoved off the bed without warning. "Huh?! What the fuck?" I shout as I sat on the floor looking up at him, rubbing my eyes as if I just woke up.

"Why the hell am I here, dumbass?" He groans, still on top of my bed. "Ion know, dude! We were crossfaded, we probably just watched a movie or something." I rose up from my spot slowly, sitting back down on my mattress.

"That's stupid." Bakugou plainly says. "What do you want me to tell you? That we fucked? Because we didn't." I pause before adding on, "I think." I wasn't even sure myself.

"The hell you mean you think?!" The boy raises his voice. "Dude, I was just as bad as you last night, if not worse. Why're you asking me?!" I defended. "Does it look like anyone else is here right now?!" He only argued back.

I roll my eyes and gave up. I got up out of bed, walking to my closet. I grabbed my uniform, my makeup bag and my shower bag and walked over to my bathroom. I shut the door, leaving Bakugou to himself. It was his choice if he wanted to leave or stay.

When I got out, Bakugou had left, just as I initially expected. I grabbed my bag and left, heading down to the common area. Bakugou had also left at this time, leaving us two awkwardly in the elevator alone.

We stayed quiet. Until he didn't. "Say shit to anyone and you're dead." He orders, not making eye contact with me. "Trust me, I won't." I say with an annoyed tone.

We walked out with our group, heading to school now.


The day went by rather quickly, all up until training. No one has really seen my quirk quite yet, which I was happy with at first.

As we made our way on the training field, Bakugou made sure to tell me, "Bet your quirk is shitty, I'm gonna beat your ass." I only rolled my eyes, walking a distance away from him.

Since I was new, I was up first with Sero. Couldn't be too bad, right?

We were told to switch on and off with offensive and defensive, so we did as we were instructed. Every time he would launch his tape at me, I would burn it with a very light green flame. When I was on offense, I shot pink mist at him that would make him become paralyzed for only until I release him.

I eventually got him, and he only lied there on the ground. "What the hell? Why can't I move?!" Sero panics. "Chill." I release him, and he got up slowly, accepting his defeat.

Everyone looked at me a little strange, but I shrugged it off. "Hey, dipshit!" Bakugou yelled over to me. "What now?" I walk over to him hesitantly. "The fuck is your quirk?!" He demands from me. "That's for you to find out."


When it was Bakugou and my turn, I was pumped. I knew I'd beat his ass sooner than later. When we were given the signal to begin, Bakugou blew explosions from his hands, as I dodged multiple. I began creating small objects that wouldn't take up too much energy, as they were only a distraction. I threw them at him, getting him to become unfocused for only a split second.

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