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Today was a pretty big day to show off our new skills each student has been training on. Mr. Aizawa wanted us to focus on using them against dummies and robots, just to get more comfortable.

Mr. Aizawa picked students' on quirks that would work together well. I was put with Bakugou, per usual. We waited a bit before it was our time to shine.

Wooden dummies were scattered around the field with a bright red target imprinted on their chests. This only meant that we needed to hit the targets and move on. So far, Ochako and Tsu's time record was 63 seconds. Iida and Tokoyami's was 58 seconds. I bet we could beat them. I already knew from the start what my strategy was, and it was smart.

My plan was to cast spells to create a portal in order to teleport to each target. I knew Bakugou was just going to go ahead and explode his half up. "You stick to your side, I stick to mine, got it?" I instructed as he just made a, "Tsk."

Our time started as I used my quirk to cast a portal, teleporting me quickly to my first location. I knew I had to just put some sort of impact on the target, but I didn't know how much. I created a sledgehammer, immediately sacking the target. Point for me! I continued to do as such until I reached the end, trailing behind Bakugou. 49 seconds. Pretty good.

As we walked back to the group, I turned to Bakugou to see him with his hands placed on his hips, with an annoyed expression plastered among his face. "Hey, what's up?" I spoke up, waiting for him to acknowledge me. He turns his head to me. "What, idiot?" His hands fall to his side. I reach my hand out for a high five and he looked at me plainly. He rolls his eyes and pouts. "What? High five me, you jerk!" I complain.

I waited patiently with my hand raised above my head. He then gave me the high five I was waiting for, making me giggle a bit. "Whatever, get over yourself." Bakugou grumbles under his irritated yet soft tone. "But I need to talk to you, dumbass. Later." He points out before I nod and walk away.

We parted ways sooner than later, as I fill Mina in as soon as she's done with Sero and her training. She gave me advice and all of that, which felt nice to have for a change. I knew I could trust her, so I just told her everything. She was a good support system to have in my life.


Later on, Bakugou met up with me when everyone had begun to leave. "Hey, what'd you wanna talk about that was so secretive, detective?" I playfully joke, standing by his side. "Shut up. I want to know about your quirk." He openly announces to me. "I deserve to know it." He had to add on.

I stare at him blankly. Would this be a mistake to? He would figure it out eventually, right?

"Whatever, okay. Walk with me." I agreed, leading him out of the building. "What did you want to know about it?" I ask once my feet touched the sidewalk's pavement. "You said your quirk was like witchcraft or something, yeah? So what exactly are you able to do?" Bakugou shoves his hands in his pockets.

I had to rethink for a moment if this was stupid to spill my weaknesses, especially in front of him.

"Well, I can manipulate spirits around me, typically alive or dead animals or just dead humans. I can also cast physical and emotional spells, which takes up a lot of stamina. I heal others through energy but I cannot heal myself. Oh- and I can create objects that are not living or have not lived before. That's pretty much all." I smile through my explanation. One thing that I couldn't share, was the fact that my mother, was born witch. It wasn't necessarily a quirk, though it was, it was more power than anything, usually used for bad.

I turned my ways around for the better, and chose a better path with my powers. My last name carries a strong title, that only those who know about the legend of the Hecate the II, my mother. She was named after the goddess, Hecate; goddess of spirits and witchcraft.

"Be honest with me, were you actually born with those quirks? You didn't take them?" Bakugou jumps to conclusions. "Huh? Yes I was born with this quirk, it's just a generalized power. It's not my fault yours is so specific." I make a comeback, getting him defensive.

"Shut up, loser! What are you, anyways?! No one is born with more than 3 quirks at a time? Rarely 2!" He exasperated. Fair enough, I just wasn't prepared for it. "Keep it down! Not everyone needs to know this." I groan, then adding on, "It's a quirk malfunction. I inherited it from my Mom." I wasn't completely lying. My 'Quirk' wouldn't be called Witch if it wasn't cursed.

And yes, this curse had happened because my own mother had put it on me. We never had a good relationship, but she wanted me to have the same powers as her. She meant well by it, but it still broke my heart that she could put all of this pressure on me. When I was born, I only inherited my Dad's quirk which was heat changing flames. I still have it to this day.

"Idiot, hello?" Bakugou snaps me out of my trance and I blink at him. "Huh? Oh. Sorry." I shake my head from my thoughts flooding my head. "Was that it?" I had to ask. "Why are you holding back when you fight if you're capable of so much?" He took that as a sign to keep going. "Like I said before, my stamina can decrease. To increase it I need fluids. When I don't have enough, I can overextend myself and pass out. Using stronger skills takes a stronger body. I'm still getting there. I just know this because of my mom." I thoroughly described to him as we started to walk in the dorms.

"Makes sense." He shrugs before slyly sneaking off to the elevator. I sat in the common room for awhile just hanging around the group downstairs. This group included Izuku, Mina, Denki and Uraraka. "Hey guys, what's up?" I approach the, setting my bag down by the coach, my uniform still on.

I take a seat on the coach, observing their game of uno. Denki was losing by a long shot, with almost the whole deck in his hands. Must've been playing stack round. "We're finishing up a game of Uno if you wanna join afterwards." Jirou suggested politely. "Yeah, sounds cool."


For the next 30 minutes we played a couple rounds of Uno, making it as complicated as it could be. I liked seeing different sides of people that I don't hang around much. It makes me see through them differently.

As example, when I sat down next to Izuku and Mina, Izuku had genuinely seemed to have a good time with everyone. It made me smile. Same with Uraraka, I thought she was more introverted, but tonight proved otherwise, and I liked it.

I won a round, and I was exasperated! Denki was pissed, but he was just a sore loser. "See if I ever charge your phone again!" Denki huffs at me as he sat in the corner of a couch.

This was a good group.

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