Wounded II

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Bakugou's POV

While helping Y/n, it felt strange to me as to why I even cared enough. It's only been around a month and a half since she arrived, yet once we started talking to each other as equals, it felt like I had known her forever.

I was curious about her so much in such an odd way. It's not like how I am with Ejirou or Deku or anyone for that matter. I guess she's the only consistent person I can talk to without feeling like I needed to explode everything.

The really weird thing is, is that I've seen people in pain before and didn't give a shit, but I didn't feel the need to aid them. That's never been in my nature to do so. But once I saw a deep cut on Y/n's back when she was lying next to me, I didn't hesitate to help.

The part I guess I liked most about Y/n was that she cared deeply about others and expressed strong opinions and feelings about things. She had strength, I saw it in her eyes ever since the day I met her, and I guess that's why I sort of took a liking to her.

But that's also something I hated about her. The fact she always put others first. I despised it. I didn't like when she wouldn't tell me what was wrong whenever I knew something was off, just to stop me from getting "distracted", as she would say, which I also thought was stupid.

Before wrapping her injury, I studied it quickly. Dried blood was all over her back, along with fresh cuts and bruises forming. She had a black sweater on her, as it was making it hard to get to the wounded area. "Y/n. Do you have anything under your sweater?" I awkwardly asked her, but she didn't answer, she just pulled it off her head, her now bare back still facing me, as she only had her bra on. I felt my heart race a bit, but that's obviously because she didn't have a shirt on.

No other reason. Right?

I raise a warm, wet cloth I had retrieved from the bathroom, gently rubbing the dried blood off of her back. She flinched from the sudden touch, making me feel...bad for her.

"..Sorry." I had spoken rather calm to her. I knew it wasn't the time to be..you know, me.

"It's okay." She takes a deep breath in as I clean around her bleeding cuts. "Y/n." I say aloud, getting a hum from her in response. "What happened?" This time I was patient and I knew I had to be.

"Bakugou, I just got into a fight on the street, came home and had an argument with my aunt." She answered lowly. "I don't believe you." I remark.

She doesn't turn around to look at me or even move at all, she only hung her head low. "I mean it." Y/n lies. I knew she was, but at the same time, it wasn't my place to interrogate her.

"Y/n, even if you don't.. your secrets are safe with me. You know that." I mention, picking up the bandage. "I'm going to wrap this around you, can you stand up?" She nods her head, allowing me to start covering her back. I made sure it was a thick layer, making it so she wouldn't be in as much pain if she were to lay down on it. The bandage was reusable, as I put gauze on her wounds before hand to keep it clean.

She reached for her hoodie, ready to put it back on. "Dumbass, it's covered in blood. Don't put that back on." I walk over to my closet, grabbing a red T-shirt and gray shorts. I could tell she was sweating when I was next to her, so I just gave her clothes that would be more comfortable.

When I handed the clothes to her, I made eye contact with her, making my breath hitch, as she still only had her sweatpants and bra on. "Thank you." She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back at her. "Tell me when you're done." I walk out of my room, shutting the door behind me, leaving her to change.

After a minute or two, she opens the door, and I see her in my clothes. It was weird, but my heart felt some type of way. "Do you need medicine?" I ask her once I turned around completely. "Yes please." She politely nodded, so I went back to the bathroom and grabbed some. Once I walk back in to meet her, I give her pain killers and water, then sat down on my bed.

Y/n took the medicine, and afterwards sat down next to me, leaving only a little space between us.

"Bakugou, I don't understand." She says to me, looking down at the floor. I tilt my head in confusion. "Understand what?"

"..I don't know. I guess I don't understand why..you're being so kind to me." Her tone sounded sad and tired.

That sentence left me speechless, as I couldn't even answer that myself. "You're hurt, dumbass. I don't..I don't like seeing you hurt, you're my best friend or whatever they call it." I mumble. "Just don't go yapping to everyone about it." I roll my eyes, then glancing down at her, but she was already looking up at me with glossy eyes. I furrow my eyebrows at her, her expression looking rather sad.

Was she upset I said that?

"Do you actually mean that?" Her lips slightly quiver as I took notice of the tears forming in her eyes. "W-what? I didn't mean to make you even more upset." I defended, thinking I said something bad. She instantly leaped forward, wrapping her arms around my neck, her head buried in my chest. "I-idiot.." I spoke under my breath, placing one of my hands gently on her lower back so I wouldn't hurt her, and the other on the top of her head.

It feels like time had stopped for a moment, as it was just us two, in my room, her in my clothes, at 11pm at night, the only light source that was being used was the moonlight shining into the room.

For a moment, I felt something inside of me change. I felt something lift off of my heart, my anger at ease for the first time.

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