Grocery Trip

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All of class 2-A was seated in the common room, conversating on basically anything. I nudged Bakugou when I saw that he seemed bored. "You wanna make food for everyone with me?" I suggest. "Whatever, I guess I have to because you'll screw it up." He says, getting up with me to go to the kitchen.

As I observe everything we have in the fridge and cupboards, I notice we had absolutely nothing to work with. "Ugh..everyone ate everything." I sighed, leaning against the counter.

"Let's just go to the store. I'm tired of there never being food here." Bakugou rolls his eyes, waiting for me to follow him. We let the others know that we were going on a grocery shopping trip, and headed out.

Once we get there from a bus, we grab a shopping cart, starting from the first aisle. I grab a carton of milk, since we had none left, along with other basic stuff like eggs and flour.

Both of us then thought of a meal plan, thinking to make something everyone would like. At least that was my idea, Bakugou didn't care too much about the others.

We both agreed on Mildly Spicy Chili, as it wasn't too complicated to make. Once we got all the ingredients, we got to the register, we unloaded the cart. The cashier was a tall, red haired guy. He stared at me consistently as he scanned our items, making me a little uncomfortable.

I guess Bakugou noticed, as he moved closer to me, as I avoid making eye-contact with the red-head in front of us. I move slightly closer to Bakugou, now being behind him a little bit. He then paid, as the bagger put our bags in our cart.

Bakugou then proceeded to put his wallet back in his pocket, trying to make it obvious to the cashier that I didn't want him, but he didn't take the hint.

When I accidentally looked the cashier in the eye, he took his chance to talk to me. "You're really beautiful. Could I get your number?" He asks nervously. "I- um. I-" I fidget with my fingers, hoping Bakugou would cover for me, and he thankfully did.

"Fuck off, Ed Sheeran." Bakugou pulls
me by the arm, walking off with me and the shopping cart, putting it away.

I sighed of relief when we left the store, helping him carry the bags. "Thanks." I mumble, a little embarrassed. "You some kind of famous model or something? Why are all these men hitting on you?" Bakugou asks sarcastically as we sit down, waiting for the city bus.

"Obviously not. Look at me, dude- I'm the last person in the world to be mistaken as a model." I scoff, setting the bags down. "You're a dumbass." He sighs before I look up at him. "Huh?" I say with my brows sort of furrowed. "You're a dumbass if you really think that." Bakugou shakes his head, avoiding looking me in the eye.

What could that mean?.. Why was he acting so odd lately? And why is he not being clear with his words?

The bus finally arrived as we got on, now just waiting to get to the dorms to cook.


We eventually get there, unloading the bags full of groceries. After we finish that step, we begin to make the food. Bakugou started cutting the vegetables and getting the ingredients meanwhile I heated a pot and found a recipe. "Put that shit away, we're going to do this on our own." He points to the phone, and without a doubt, I put it away.

When it came to food, I could trust him. I opened a can of organic tomato sauce, and grabbed seasoning that I knew complimented each other.

Bakugou observed the seasoning choice and smirks. "Good choice."


While everything was being worked on by Bakugou, I set the table, knowing it'd be done in less than 10 minutes. Once I set the table, I join back into the kitchen to meet his side. "How's it looking?" I peered from behind him. "Obviously it's good. It's made by the best chefs class 2-A has." He confidently announced. I noticed how he also complimented me, making me smile a bit.

"So you did like the meal I made the first week I got here." I put a hand on my hip. "Shut up. It's only because I never had it before." He rolls his eyes, finding any excuse possible.

"Okay..If you say so." I squint my eyes. "Idiot." He mumbles under his breath, shaking his head.

Bakugou's POV

Was it stupid to say she was a good cook? I mean..I didn't really think before I said it, but It wasn't too big of a deal..right?

Besides, I knew that idiot will forget soon enough anyways. She always forgot about small things.

As I finished up the meal, I put some on everyone's dishes, Y/n and I getting the most, Obviously.

Everyone thanked us in an annoying way, but I just ate. I didn't care enough for them to interrupt my meal. If it were up to me, only Y/n and I would be eating, not these losers.

Y/n's POV

After everyone finished their plates, we were all stuffed. I sat slumped in my chair, my arms hanging off of it.

Bakugou comes up to me with his plate, taking mine. Again, his behavior was odd. "Hey Bakugou! Can you grab mine too?" Denki wished from him, but got, "No, go do it yourself, you lazy ass." He left it at the sink, not taking anyone else's dish. "But you did it for Y/n! That's not fair." The boy with a lightning bolt in his hair had complained.

"That's because she cooked with me, dipshit!" Bakugou then walks over to me, grabbing
me by my arm, and pulling me out of my chair without warning. "Are you kidding me?!" I groaned, following him forcefully.

We got inside the elevator, as I was confused as to why he would bring me with him. "What? Why did you bring me with you?" I asked him, confused.

"Because if we didn't leave, they would force us to
do dishes. And that's bullshit because we already cooked." He shrugged.

For the next hour and a half, we played Super Smash Bros and Animal Crossing. We only stopped when I realized how late it was, as I knew I needed to take a shower.

Even though I had fun, I needed to get ready for the next day, as it was a Monday, in meaning school.

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