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"So you're telling me..Bakugou pushed you to a wall and threatened you, you kicked him when he wasn't looking, and then he chased you through the town." Aizawa disappointedly points out, making sure the facts are clear.

"Yes! That's exactly what happened, why? Is he telling you a different story?!" I wondered, sitting impatiently in the principal's office for at least the fifth time today.

"It doesn't matter what the story is,
Y/n. You don't have a license yet to use your quirk freely." He shakes his head. "I don't know what it's like in Canada, but here in Japan, we take quirks very seriously."

"I understand, Sir! It's like that back at home for me too..it's just-" I sigh. "You're right. I'm sorry, Mr. Aizawa, and Principal Nezu."

After apologizing, Principal Nezu spoke up. "Very well then. We appreciate your apology, and fortunately there was no distraction made on your part, and no civilians were harmed. Therefore, we can call this an honest mistake, and we hope to never hear another issue from the two of you, or consequences will be discussed."

"Y-yes, Sir! Thank you sir." I thanked him before leaving the office, greeted by a certain upset ash-blond. I walk past him, but as I do, I pull my hand out of my pocket, giving him the good ol' middle finger.

Thankfully, Mina had waited for me outside of the school, or else I wouldn't know where to go. We walked back together, discussing what happened.

"Didn't I already tell you not to let his anger get to you?" She shook her head at me. "I mean, you're so lucky you got away with this! Now, when I tell you this, I seriously mean it.. do not start anymore problems with Bakugou!" She throws her hands in the air to express herself.

"I know, I know. Look- I probably came off as the rather unsocial kind of person, and I usually am, don't get me wrong.. but something about him-" I take a breath, closing my eyes tightly as I still continued to walk with her. "Something about him makes me just so damn angry!"

"And I get that, Y/n..but you just started this year! If you just ignore him, everything will be fine." She assured me, giving me some sense of comfort.

"You're right. I will try. But if he's gonna start a physical fight..I'm going to finish it."

"Fine." She says as we finally get to the dorms, walking in from behind her.

"Oh my god, Y/n, what happened outside?!"

"Did you and Bakugou fight?!"

"Are you in trouble?!"

A bunch of questions flooded my way from the students interested in the topic. Everyone immediately fell silent when the door was slammed shut. I look over to see the guy I just argued with, Bakugou.

"Move out of the damn way." He shoved past everyone, throwing himself onto the couch, changing the channel without even bothering to ask. Sounds like Bakugou to me.

I took this quick opportunity to step outside of the circle of interested scholars, making my way over to the elevator, Mina of course following behind. "I'll fill them in for you later." She whispered in my ear with a little wink.

"Thanks, Mina." I smile sweetly, stepping into the elevator by her side. Once the door closed, I took the chance to ask her a few questions about the hot-headed blond boy. "A couple more things about Bakugou I have to ask, what did you exactly mean by you not wanting me to become like Deku? Do they have some kind of beef?" I question, the elevator making a small beep once we get to our floor.

"More like a whole beef stew. They've been childhood "friends" since whoever knows how long, and Bakugou has always just been that type of person to become competitive with whoever." She shrugs, hinting why he is the way he is.

"So he just doesn't have friends?" I laugh, partly making fun of him.

"I mean, he's our friend, but we're not his friends. Y'know?" She gets to her door, unlocking it and swinging the door open. "Come in, let's hang!" She then lets me in.

For maybe about an hour and a half we watched Spiderman 2, and after that we had decided to start dinner for everyone.

"Oo! Look at these two getting all fancy in the kitchen!" Ochako giggles in an excited tone. "What do you guys have in mind?!" She peeks over our shoulders one at a time.

"I wanted to try something new for you guys and make a Canadian dinner I always used to eat with my family!" I joyfully laughed with her. "It's a surprise, go, go, go!" I joked, rushing her out of the kitchen.

I helped Mina through the instructions, but maybe 'helped' is an understatement. I practically did all of it, but still gave her credit. We finished up rather soon enough, as I made Mina set up in the table as I put food on everyone's plates. Once everyone arrived at the table and sat down, my oven mitts were still on, pan still in hand, along with the apron wrapped around my waist and my messy hair, earning looks from everyone.

"I hope you like it guys! It's Canadian, I used to eat this all the time when I lived there. It's poutine and smoked salmon." I cheerfully watched as everyone tried it, putting slight pressure on me.

"Oh my GOD!!" Mina jumps up.

"This is so good, I might cry." Ochako said with a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

My face turns pink, as I started laughing. "You guys are too nice, but really, how is it." I looked at everyone at the table with a bunch of different facial expressions.

"You need to cook all the time..!" Kaminari grumbles, shoveling food into his mouth. "Agreed!" Kirishima says, plate almost empty.

My heart settles, making me feel at ease. They enjoy it! But as soon as I thought that, I looked over to see Bakugou's reaction, and he wasn't there. "Fucker." I whispered under my breath. In an instant, I stormed over to the elevator, leaving everyone confused. By the time I got inside of it, I noticed the pan was still in my hand, but I really couldn't care less.

In the last few hours I've noticed Bakugou's room was exactly right next to mine. How fun. I roll my eyes at my thoughts, making my way over to his door. Music was blasting behind it, so I chose to use the pan to pound on his door. I did it a few times, hearing the music stop. After it stopped, I began pounding again with the heavy object, before the door swung open, revealing a bothered blond.

He looks me up and down. "The fuck do you-"

"I made dinner. Thought I'd be decent enough to tell you so you wouldn't have to starve." I put a hand on my hip.

"I don't want your shitty cooking." He tried to throw his door shut, but I used the pan to stop it. Using my foot, I kicked the door open.

"You wouldn't have a damn clue until you tried it, you hypocrite." I roll my eyes. "Just come down. It's not that deep." I turn on my heels, before hearing the door slam shut once more. I turn around again to surprisingly see Bakugou, startling me a bit.

"What?! Gonna whack me with the damn pan too, Rapunzel?" He shouts before I start laughing, covering my mouth. We get into the elevator without another word, waiting to get to the first floor. When we get to the table, everyone had gotten a second serving. Thank God I made enough.

"The fuck is this shit." Bakugou inspects everyone's plates. "It's poutine, Bakubro! Try it! It's so damn tasty." Kirishima practically groaned, still shoving fork fulls into his mouth.

I put the pan down on the countertop, along with the apron. I sat down next to Yayorozu and Todoroki, starting to eat, just not as fast as the others. "You're a perfect chef, Y/n. I really like this meal." Yayorozu complimented my abilities and I.

"O-oh, thank you so much, Yayorozu. That's so sweet of you to say." I thanked her with a closed-eye smile.

"Absolutely. You can just call me Yaomomo."

They must really start to get a liking to me, especially with their first names and nicknames, after learning from Kirishima I've realized how important it is to their culture. I thought to myself before taking a quick glance at Bakugou who had actually taken Kaminari's plate, finishing it in front of his face.

"H-hey man! There's more right in front of you!"


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