Last Minute Party

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"So, what's up girl? I can tell there's something you wanted to talk about." Mina points out as we're walking to lunch.

"Meh, nothing too serious, I was just wondering a little about..y'know-" I quickly replied before getting cut off by her. "About Bakugou?"

"..Yeah, I was just sorta curious about him. Like why is he the way he is?" I furrow my brows in confusion. Mina begins to speak once more. "I heard before that it's because of his quirk that he has to be so uptight. It's physically impossible for him to stop, it keeps his body going. Not sure if it's true or not, but it makes enough sense for it to be."

That left me wondering a little more about him..but why should I care?

Us two went and sat down at our normal table with the normal group after we got our food. "I have to say, I really like the options for food here. I never had this in Canadian schools." I joyfully express, stuffing my mouth full with food. This sparked a conversation between Denki and Kirishima. They discussed what toppings aren't allowed on pizza and what the best shape of pasta was.

"I think Udon is by far the most accepting. Or soba." Kirishima states, Denki beginning to respond. "Soba and Udon are basically the same exact thing."

"It absolutely is not, you dumbass." Bakugou buds in unexpectedly. "It is!" The yellow haired boy defended.

This went on for mostly the rest of lunch period, as Bakugou always had something to say about the other boys' opinions.

Everyone went quiet for a second, though I didn't know why. I was tapped on the shoulder, so I turn around and see a boy with spikey black hair and wine-red colored eyes. He had a small smile on his face, his hand resting on his neck. "Hello? Can I help you?" I ask with a small chuckle.
"Y-yeah, sorry about that. I'm Alan. I saw you from the other table, you're really gorgeous and you seem new here. I was wondering if I could get your number?" He admits in a light, bubbly tone.

He seemed chill. So I just gave it to him.

He then tells me he will catch up with me soon, and he jogged off, back to his table. I turn my head slowly to face Mina with my jaw dropped.

We had a quick girl moment, squealing with each other in excitement. "Woah..Y/n! This is like the millionth guy that's a called you hot in the matter of 24 hours." Denki cries. "Super manly!" Kirishima adds on.

"He had called me beautiful, not hot, Denki." I rolled my eyes in annoyance at him. I shared a quick glance over at Bakugou, and he just seemed annoyed.

Everyone continued with their conversations and I only kept my eyes glued on Bakugou. Why can't he just let loose sometimes. I grabbed a grape from my tray, flicking it at him. It hit the side of his face, making him flinch. He quickly looks over at me with an intense expression. I gestured 'Are you ok?' with my hands and he only furrowed his brows. I only shrugged and returned to what I was doing. It doesn't hurt to be nice sometimes, so I was to him, just to show him it isn't a big deal.


Lunch finished soon after, as everyone is sat back down in class. After a while of being in class, I've learned pretty much the entire seating chart. I'm not very observant, class is just boring.

I've noticed that Bakugou sat behind me, and Mina was across the room from me, as many other people I liked were too.

I guess there is no excuse for not doing work since I sit with no "distractions" nearby. I lay my head down on the table, my arms used as comfort. I had already finished my papers, so I just wanted to relax. I suddenly felt my chair move, but thought nothing of it. It happened again, but I didn't want to lift my head, at first I thought it was Mr. Aizawa until I felt a paper ball being thrown at the back of my head. I rose up quickly, turning around to find Bakugou trying to get my attention.

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