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I was having a bad next couple of days while I was unfortunately staying with my aunt for the time being. I tried to stay in contact with Bakugou through all of this, same with Mina, as those two were the biggest priorities.

My aunt would make me make her and her boyfriend food, run errands for her, clean up the house, and scream at me if something looked incorrect. She also had a habit of throwing things, too.

It got pretty bad one night when I came back late, not early enough to feed them. They got pretty pissed off at me and threw me into a wall, leaving a nasty bruise to form later on. I locked myself in my room for the rest of the night, until they left the house. After they did, I ran out the door, sprinting down the street. I needed to get away as far as possible before they come back.

I only knew Bakugou's address, so I ran there. It was around 9:30pm when I knocked on his front door, sweaty, shaky and nervous. I waited 15 seconds before Bakugou cracks the door open, peering down at me. When he realizes who I am, he opens the door a bit wider.

"What are you doing here, idiot?" He asks unknowingly. "Bakugou, I need somewhere to stay, Please." I begged, getting teary eyed. He looked down at me with concern, grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me into his house. He shuts the door behind me, and makes eye contact with me multiple times. "What's going on?" He wonders, locking the door.

I look around slightly, my breathing picking up. I couldn't let him know. No way. "I had an argument with my aunt..that's all." I muttered. "I don't believe you." He blatantly responded. "Whenever you talk about your aunt you get all tense or some crap. Tell me what's wrong, loser."

I go quiet for some time, refusing to look up at him until I have into it, his red eyes staring back at mine. There was so much about him I never knew until I got close to him. Until I observed his beauty. "I.. just don't want to talk to her right now." I sighed, turning away from him slowly.

It was hard to pull away from him, but I was far too scared to make a move anyways. One way or another, he makes me turn to him by grabbing my face with one of his hands. "Answer me, idiot." He says with a grunt but it was gentle.
"I did, now let me go." I try squirming from him but he doesn't let me move. "What is it that you want me to tell you, Bakugou?" I yell.

He pauses for a moment. "The truth. I know you better than to sit here and hear you lie. If you're..having trouble at home you can say that." He admits, making me freeze in my spot.

No. No he doesn't know anything about me or my aunt. Nor does he know about my family.

"I'm not! Don't assume that!" I flinch once he placed a hand on my back, the part I hit the wall with. It felt sore, as it was still throbbing of pain.

I soon saw a familiar face, as Bakugou's mom was coming down the stairs. "Y/n! Hello, dear. What are you doing here this late?" She asks me, turning on a light in the hallway. I guess all the Bakugou's go to bed early. "I was wondering if I could stay here tonight? My aunt and I had an argument." I lie.

She nodded her head and I followed Bakugou into his room. It was completely dark and the moonlight shone through the curtains ever so slightly. I lie down on his bed, hissing when my bruised skin hit the mattress. I felt Bakugou's eyes on me the entire time, so I knew so needed to pull it together.

I was lying on my stomach, head on my arms, next to Bakugou's lap. I felt the bottom hem of my shirt get lifted, and I shot up. "B-Bakugou!" I yell out, and he's just looking at me with wide eyes. "Who the hell did that to you?" He managed to growl out. "Nobody! Just let it go!" I shout back at him.

"Y/n. Let me look at your back." He says plainly. "I need to make sure you're okay." He hung his head low saying the second sentence.

I allowed him to do so, as I turned around for him, he checked my wound. it was along my entire backside with scrapes, scratches, bruises and punctures in my skin.

Bakugou had eventually asked me to take off my sweater so he can wrap my back properly, and I agreed, embarrassingly. Though, I didn't care too much, it was Bakugou, not Alan, or Mineta or that Ed Sheeran guy from the supermarket, it was Bakugou.

He used bandages to cover up my wounds, and I felt a lot better afterwards. I was about to put my sweater back on, but he handed me new clothes, so I had thanked him. I checked the time and it was about 10pm.

"It's late for you, I didn't wake you, did I?" I had wondered, knowing he goes to bed at 8 most nights. "No, I was just up thinking." He shrugs.

About what? Was it about me? or was it about school? Or is it maybe stuff I had no clue about? What goes on inside your head, Bakugou?

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