Chapter 18

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"What was what about?" Jace said, confused.

"Why did I have to disfigure my marks?" Clary asked.

"This wasn't supposed to happen until you turned 18," Jace said, head in his hands.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" Clary was getting tired of always being the last one to know, especially since the matter directly affected her.

"When someone who... when someone like you has this kind of power they go dark, like we said. If, like you, they're intrinsically good, their nature won't go dark, but l instead their powers will turn against them." He explained.

Now Clary understood why her runes had acted that way. "So you're telling me I can't apply runes anymore?" She asked. Inwardly, she sighed. Her runes were the only thing that set her apart from everyone else.

"Yes. It won't happen all the time at first, but gradually it will become more and more frequent until something like that always happens."

"I'll do an experiment" Clary suggested. "How wrong can we go with an iratze?"

"Don't--" Jace began, but Clary interrupted.

"I won't do it on us, I'll do it on a tree," she said.

She wandered over to a nearby tree, half rotted through. "An iratze will work on a tree, right?"

"Yes, but you shouldn't--" he started to say, but it was too late.

Clary applied a hasty but careful iratze to the old tree nearby.


The tree immediately shuddered and the trunk grew at an alarming pace. The growing tree had soon devoured much of the surrounding earth and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.

Oh my g.." Clary trailed off and sprinted back towards the funeral at Jace's heels.

Back at civilization, they sat beside each other on the outskirts of the small assembly, catching their breath.

"I guess I shouldn't use any runes at all," Clary said, stating the obvious.

"What do we do about it?" They asked in unison.

"We should tell the others," Jace suggested, knowing this wouldn't solve the problem.

Clary agreed.



if you still have this story in your library either you're a super devoted follower (ily) or you're like me and never clean out your library. oops...

Okay that's it and I'll offer yet another apology for my laziness😁😁😁

Also another short chapter shhhh

Happy 4th of July to our American friends Canada day was Wednesday yyeeesss *recites national anthem* I made red velvet cake because red and white is Canadian eh eh and it was good wow who knew I could cook..??

Does anyone watch orphan black??? I just started and I'm so addicted it's not healthy whoopsie daisies...

Anyway, please vote, comment, and have a perfect day!! Bye!!


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