Thank you

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So I'd like to send out a huge thank you to all of you.. I doubt anyone still has this in their library but I want to say thanks to anyone who has voted, commented, added this to their reading lists, or even just quietly read.

It's recently hit 1k reads, although I can't fathom why as I still cringe thinking about this story. Maybe it's just a writer thing.

It sounds, cliche, but I truly have changed a lot since writing this story, and I went through a lot of things I don't really want to talk about during the writing of this story.

Every single vote, every single comment, all of it really made me feel better.

2015 was my hardest year yet, I think. But that's not to say there weren't any good points. I've learned a lot, lost a lot, but met a lot of new people I'm happy to say are some of my best friends. It's been a shitty year, but I don't think I would change it.

My writing has developed a lot since this was written, and I'm not as active on here as I used to be, but I recently went back and read all of your amazing comments and I must say, I love each and every one of you.

Thanks so much for sticking with me, and I hope you all have a wonderful 2016.

Wow okay this was supposed to be a quick thanks for 1k reads but it turned into a deep thing oops

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