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The butterflies in my stomach were going like crazy. I could barely focus on the briefing. My mind were else where, more precisely, they were on her. But at the same time as I was thinking about the beautiful bartender, I was looking at the man who had abandoned her over and over again. The man who sent me back four year in my career, the man who was there when my dad died. And it pissed me off.

"Bradshaw." I heard him say after me but I didn't respond.

"Bradley." He said but I just continued to walk the hallways.

"Lieutenant Bradshaw." He said firmly and I sighed and stopped in my tracks. I turned around and lifted up my sunglasses.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you even listen in there?" Maverick asked and I let out a chuckle.

"I know what I need to know." I said confidently referring both to the briefing and to what Sienna had told me last night.

"You were distracted, you can't be distracted up there." He said.

"I'm seeing everything very clearly sir." I said and he sighed.

"Am I dismissed? I have a plane to fly." I said and he gestured that I could go. I walked out to my plane meeting the eyes of my fellow aviators. They looked confused. I climbed the ladder up to my plane and sat down with a sigh. I wasn't distracted, just pissed off.


"So what's the story between you and Maverick? Seems like he got you a little rattled." Hangman asked as we were flying next to each other.

"It's none of your business." I said.

"Now where the hell is he?" He asked and we looked around.

"Been here the whole time." Maverick said and his plane flew up in between us and he inverted over me.

"Hoooly shit." Hangman said as he saw Maverick flying inverted over me, looking me dead in the eye.

"You see me now?" Maverick asked.

"C'mon, let's get it over with." He said and I felt the anger build up in me.

"Fight's on!" I said and took a break left, leading us into a downward spiral.

"Alright, you put us here, how are you going to get yourself out?" Maverick asked as our planes kept on going in the spiral.

"You can bail out anytime." I said.

"Jesus Christ Rooster, how low you wanna go?" He asked.

"I can go as low as you, sir, and that is saying something." I said.

"What's past is past, for both of us." He said.

"You would like to believe that, don't you? But it's not the past for me and neither for your daughter." I spat out and he was silent.

"Altitude, altitude." The system was saying and I saw how low we were getting.

"Your strategy is about to run us into the ground, what's your move?" He then asked. The altitude was getting lower and lower and lower. And when the system started saying pull up we both almost at the same time started to pull up before we hit the ground.

"C'mon Rooster, you got him!" Hangman said as I had Maverick in front of me.

"Drop down and take the shot!" He said.

"It's too low." I said. Suddenly Maverick hit the breaks, flew over me backwards and ended up behind me.

"That's a kill, knock it off." He said and I sighed. We flew back and after I landed my plane and ignored everyone's comment, I walked back into the locker rooms and got changed. The door smashed open and Maverick walked in.

Great Balls Of Fire | Top Gun - Maverick & BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now