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The look on my dad's face was priceless. The classroom had cleared out after Bradley's and Hangman's heated argument. I looked over at him and he sighed and looked down on the ground being extremely disappointed.

"Push them more." I said and he looked up at me.

"What?" He asked.

"You have one week until this mission is really happening and you need to push them. It doesn't matter if they are at each other's throats, what matters is if they can channel that anger away from each other and into their skills." I said.

"Thank you." He said and I walked out of the classroom to find the team. I saw Bob entering the cafeteria so I jogged over. I walked inside to see Hangman smirking in a chair on one side of the room and Rooster sitting in a couch with a death stare at other side.

"Just a regular coffee." I said to the girl in the cafeteria bar and she quickly got me a simple cup of coffee. I turned around to see the bizarre picture of the two man sitting on each side of the room and their friends in the middle looking ready to step in when these morons were gonna attack each other, it honestly made me laugh. I looked over at Phoenix who saw me smiling and she then looked at the morons in each side of the room and we both started laughing making everyone look at us.

"What's so funny?" Hangman asked.

"You two morons." I said and looked over at Rooster who looked extremely confused and a little mad.

"What have we done?" Hangman asked.

"You are sitting here on each side of the room staring at each other like two complete idiots. So stupid." I said with a laugh. Rooster got up and walked up and gave me a glare as he walked out.

"Trouble in paradise?" Hangman asked and I sent him a glare as I walked after Rooster.

"Bradley." I said after him and he stopped in his tracks and then turned around.

"Why are you here?" He asked bluntly.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Why are you here? You said you didn't want to do this again, you never wanted to be a pilot again. Why are you here?" He said and he was getting angry.

"Hey, don't be mad at me because you got your ass kicked. What you do up in the air is on you. Not me. And don't be this incredibly stupid." I said and his brows lifted.

"I'm stupid?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and he scoffed.

"You are letting them get to you, both Maverick and Hangman. Don't be the guy who flies himself or someone else to death because he was holding a grudge." I said and he looked down at me with a blank stare.

"They are not getting to me." He said.

"Yeah and you didn't make me breakfast this morning." I said and he scoffed but then looked down at me and sighed. He took my hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Sorry." He apologised and I smiled softly. He pulled him into a more private room and closed the door. He twirled me around and I ended up with my arm on his shoulder and his hand on my lower back and I looked up at him and he smiled softly before pressing his lips on mine. After we pulled away he hugged me tightly and rocked us fast side to side making me laugh.

Great Balls Of Fire | Top Gun - Maverick & BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now