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"SMOKE IN THE AIR! GET LOW, GET LOW!" I heard Sienna say on the radio.

"Shit." I mumbled. They had gone through the radar.

"Payback. Popping in three.... two.... one." I said and we crested over the mountain inverted.

"Fanboy, where is my laser?" I asked as I was putting nose on the target, a scorching 45' dive.

"Targeting, seconds away." He said.

"Come on, come on." I said.

"SHIT! DEADEYE! DEADEYE! OUR LASER'S GONE. STANDBY." He said and I felt my pulse rising.

"We're out of time." I said.

"I'm working on it! Stand by." He said.

"No time, pull away." I said.

"Wait." Fanboy said.

"Great balls of fire." I said as I let the bombs go away and they vanish into the cloud of smoke from Sienna's bombs. I yanked back the stick, trying to keep from face planting into the mountain.

"BULLSEYE! I REPEAT BULLSEYE!" The coms tech said and I smiled. We had destroyed the target. We got over coffin corner without blacking out showing the bizarre view over the SAMs targeting Sienna and Maverick.

"Shit, they are everywhere!" I said.

"Glad you could join us." Sienna said, always joking away serious situations.

"Get low! We gotta get low!" Payback said. Easier said than done.

"I'm out of flares!" I said. I look back to see a missile coming, this is it. I'm done. I'm finished.
But all of a sudden another F18 fills my sight picture and my eyes widened.

"Sienna! No!" I said and I could see she released flares but too late. The missile hit her engine and turns it into a big fireball.

"SIENNA!" I shouted.

"NOOO!" I screamed in agony.

"Dagger 1 is hit!" Payback said.

"I repeat, dagger 1 is hit! She is going down." Payback said and I felt the tears burn in my eyes. No. No. No.

"Dagger 1, status. Status. Anyone see her? I didn't see a parachute." I said trying to push my tears back but failed miserably.

"She's gone." Payback said.

"We have to circle back!" I heard Maverick say.

"All Daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you." Comms said.

"What about Sienna?" I asked.

"Dagger, you are not to engage. Repeat, do not engage." Comms said a minute later and I banged my hand against the canopy.

"Dagger two. Return to carrier. Acknowledge." Comms said.

"Rooster, we cannot go back. The bandits are closing." Payback said.

"Dagger two and three. Acknowledge!" Comms said.

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