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I parked my car by the bar and got out. Mondays. The only day the bar is closed to give me time to organise everything, do some planning, book deliveries and just catch up with things I didn't have time for the other days. It also gave me the entire morning to do whatever I wanted, which meant an excruciating workout, a full body shower and deep cleanse in my apartment. I unlocked the doors to the bar and walked inside. I started looking over the liquor and groceries I needed to order for the coming week which took its time. When that was done I decided to do the rest of the desk work outside in the sun. I plugged in my AirPods and got to work, the sooner I got it done, the sooner I could get back home. Which was all I wanted today. I was in desperate need of sleep, especially since what went down a few days ago. I have barely slept since.

I felt my phone buzz as the music in my AirPods stopped and I looked at my phone to see Maddie calling.

"Wassup." I said.

"Wassup, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Some desk work." I said.

"So, I haven't wanted to talk to you about because you seemed a little on the edge about it, but the other night was somewhat.... wild." She said and I sighed.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that." I said.

"No, don't apologise, the guy deserved it but you seemed like you were kind of... off. Generally." She said.

"Just stuff." I said.

"Is everything with your dad taking a tool on you?" She asked.

"He doesn't get to me." I said and she sighed.

"Then what is it?" She asked.

"Admiral Bates called me." I said.

"Okay, why?" She asked.

"My dad and one of his students, one of the aviators that was here that night. Rooster, the one with the sunglasses and the 80s moustache." I said.

"Uh huh." She said.

"They have this beef going on and they took it out when they were up in the air. They got into that downward spiral." I said.

"THE downward spiral?" She asked.

"Yep." I said.

"Oh shit." She said.

"And he told me to come over because they heard their entire conversation which included me." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I kind of told him that he was my dad after he told me they have this unspoken beef going on." I said.

"Damn." She said.

"And when I got there, I kind of snapped at Rooster and Admiral Bates kind of told everyone that I was an aviator once, it just threw me off my game." I said.

"And then I told Rooster about the accident." I added.

"Oh, I get it now." She said.

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