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"So, you're leaving tomorrow?" Maddie said and I nodded.

"Can't believe he made you team leader." She said.

"Me neither." I said.

"I mean it's good for you, sucks for me though. It was a long time since I worried about your safety." She said and I smiled softly. I knew I would always have Maddie in my corner but I also knew how much she hated it when I was off on a mission.

"I will come back." I said.

"You better." She said and I looked at the clock.

"I'll unlock, let's just have a night we will never forget." She said and I nodded.

"You got it." I said and she walked to the front door. I couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving. I promised her after the accident to never get my ass into a plane again and never accept another mission, and here I was. But I knew what would make this night memorable, it was our specialty to turn a normal weekday into a Saturday night. I put on our special playlist we only played on nights where we had either something to celebrate or something to get out of our heads. This playlist has never failed us, ever.

"Good evening, girls. What can I get you?" I asked as I took on my first costumer.

"2 margaritas." One of them said.

"Solid choice." I said.

"The history of the margarita is shrouded in mystery and folklore due to its numerous origin stories." I said and started making their cocktail.

"One of the earliest stories is of the margarita being invented in 1938 by Carlos "Danny" Herrera at his restaurant Rancho La Gloria." I said.

"It says that it was created for customer and former Ziegfeld dancer Marjorie King, who was allergic to many spirits, but not to tequila." I said.

"But like I said, it's a mysterious cocktail, no one knows who is the creator and it mysteriously makes you absolutely wasted." I said and the girls chuckled as I placed the cocktails in front of them.

"Look who we have here, the one and only, on her last night, telling mysterious cocktail stories." Hangman said and I chuckled.

"Will you ever change, Doucheman?" I asked and I knew that name set him on fire.

"Will you ever call me by my actual callsign?" He asked.

"Probably not." I said.

"Yeah, exactly." He said and I chuckled.

"Drink order, gentlemen." I said.

"Can I challenge you?" Hangman asked.

"Bring it on, Doucheman." I said and Payback and Coyote chuckled.

"Ramos Gin Fizz." He said.

"Ooo." I said with a smirk.

"Did you Google that up?" I asked and he looked down on the counter.

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