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"I'm gonna flip any second." I said as I took a sip of my beer. I watched Sienna run around in the bar with her big bump, serving people, making drinks, carrying heavy trays with drinks or dishes.

"She is definitely overdoing it." Payback said and I let out a scoff.

"To say the least." I said.

"The doctor told her to take it easy, and what does she do? She runs around like a teenager on a football field." I said and Hangman let out a chuckle. I looked over at Maddie who looked at her best friend with a concerned look. She looked over at me with the facial expression "what do we do?". I shrugged my shoulders, Sienna Mitchell weren't really known for taking orders. I watched her put down a tray with dishes and put a hand on her back.

"That's it." I said and put down the beer.

"Daddy Bradshaw to the rescue." Hangman joked and I sent him a glare. I walked over to Sienna who picked up the tray again.

"You want to go into preterm labour?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"What? I'm just carrying a tray with dishes." She said.

"No you are not, you are running around in here doing everything you shouldn't do. You know what the doctor said, if you don't take it easy you will either be put in bed rest or you will go into preterm labour." I said.

"I know you like to do things your way but that is my kid too." I said firmly.

"That I'm carrying, I know what I can handle." She said with an emotionless facial expression.

"No you don't. Not this time." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Come and whine when you have a baby growing in your uterus." She said and walked away to the kitchen. I looked back at my friends with wide eyes and sighed.

"She is gonna get herself into preterm labour if she doesn't slow down." Maddie said and I leaned onto the bar counter.

"Tell me bout it." I sighed. Suddenly we heard a big shatter from the kitchen, it sounded like a thousand glasses had crashed. We both rushed into the kitchen to see Sienna bending down to clean up the shattered glasses that was everywhere.

"Get up." I said and grabbed her arm and gently helped her up

"I can do it myself." She said and I groaned

"Can you just shut up for a minute!?" I shouted and she looked quite shocked.

"You can't keep up with this anymore. You just can't." I said.

"I have to agree with Bradley, you are overdoing it, Sienna." Maddie said backing me up.

"We are going home." I said and she scoffed.

"I have a bar to run." She said.

"You have a bar that Maddie can run perfectly fine." I said firmly.

"Go home, Sienna. You need to start taking care of yourself." Maddie said and she just gave us both a disappointing glare.

"Let's go." I said and she shook her head but followed me back out. I went behind the bar and grabbed her bag and we walked out to the car. I helped her into the passenger seat before I sat down in the driver's seat and we took off.

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