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I looked out on the ocean, feeling the wind in my hair. I was taking it all in. In 24 hours I would be up in the air, flying a mission, that no living pilot has ever done before. It was that complex. And I was expected to lead it.... to success. Talk about pressure. So I was standing here, on the carrier, with the wind in my hair, just taking it all in before I was risking my life. I sighed loudly and placed my forehead on the railing.

"You are as good as it gets." I heard Admiral Bares say and I looked up and behind me to see him standing just a few feet away from me.

"I knew you would be on this mission, one way or the other." He said and walked up next to me.

"It was always meant for you to be team leader." He said.

"But you gave it to my dad?" I said.

"Yes, knowing that he would give it to you." He said.

"Your dad is a pain in everyone's asses, but, he is darn good pilot." He said and I chuckled.

"And I've seen you grow up. I've also seen him trying with everything he got to be a dad to you. He has messed up, a lot of times but in the end he always comes back. Lieutenant, your dad declined being the team leader, he declined it from the very first day." He said and I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I asked.

"He told me when he was called in that he knew someone who was better for the job, someone we didn't invite." He said.

"You." He said.

"He told me you needed some time but that you would be up in the air before we knew it." He said.

"I hate it when he's right but this time, I'm relieved. No one in the team was a good fit for team leader." He said.

"It was meant to be you." He said.

"I'm very honoured sir." I said.

"No, we are honoured." He said and I smiled softly.

"You've had your bumps on the road, but being an aviator, that is something you've always been and will always be." He said and patted my shoulder before leaving. I looked back out at the ocean and took a deep breath.

"Let's go, lieutenant! Time to pick out your team!" He said loudly and I closed my eyes for a second before I walked back in. I hated to do this.


"Your target is a clear and present threat: a secret uranium enrichment site under rogue state control." Admiral Bates said as we were all having our last brief before the mission.

"It's an underground bunker tucked between these two mountains." He said as it was shown on the screen.

"Your route of ingress is heavily defended by surface to air missiles, backed up by fifth generation fighters. Once your F18 strike team crosses the border, Tomahawk missiles from the USS Leyte Gulf will be launched in a synchronised strike on the enemy's airfield.... here." He said and pointed on the map on the screen.

"The moment those Tomahawks hit, the enemy will know you're coming. Your time to target will be, two minutes and thirty seconds. Any longer than that and you will be exposed to any aircraft the Tomahawks may have missed." He said. Fuck me. He then looked over at me. Fuck me even harder. This is insane.

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