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"You look good." I said as I saw Sienna standing behind the bar.

"It's only because I serve you beer." She said and I smiled.

"Perhaps." I said and she chuckled. Life really flipped over after Hawaii. Important decision had to be made. Sienna was feeling the pregnancy even though she didn't want to show it. And so had no intentions of slowing down.

"You okay?" I asked as she rubbed her stomach.

"I'm good." She said. I truly was worried about her,  I know she is a fighter. She doesn't cave, just like her dad but this time I was worried she was taking on too much.

Two weeks after Hawaii, Sienna accepted the job offer, she is now a teacher at Top Gun during the days and bartender at night. She isn't allowed to pull those Gs much longer and soon she won't be allowed to get into a jet. My only condition was that she would wait until the baby is at least year until she goes on a mission. Something her dad backed me up on. As well as the Navy. But there were no doubt that Sienna Mitchell was going to be back in an F18 soon enough.

"You really should slow down." I said and she let out a chuckle.

"I'm fine, I promise." She said.

"And who do we have here? The lady who is carrying my future godson." We heard Hangman say.

"Doucheman, still hasn't changed." She said and we all chuckled. After Hawaii we all parted ways for a few weeks until we all got the same call, we were all summoned up to join the same squadron. Based here in Miramar, at Top Gun. Whenever we weren't out on a mission, we would be here, teaching and training. And honestly, I couldn't be more grateful.

"Don't swear in front of the baby." He said and she chuckled. Still got under his skin when she called him Doucheman.

"And look at you, growing and glowing." Phoenix said and she smiled as she looked down at the little bump that had grown over the past weeks.

"Rooster, how are you doing?" Hangman said and patted my shoulder before sitting down next to me.

"I'm good, Hangman." I said.

"Ready to become a pops?" He asked with a wide smile making me chuckle.

"I've gotten used to the idea." I said.

"So, no rattle in the sack anymore?" He asked with a wink.

"My lady is too stubborn." I said and Sienna smacked my head with a dish towel making everyone chuckle.

"Well, she's a Mitchell, they are stubborn." He said and I chuckled.

"How did your dad react to the pregnancy?" Phoenix asked Sienna and she smiled.

"Let's just say that the baby already has a flight suit and a call sign is in the making." She said and everyone chuckled.

"He's excited, already turning one of his spare rooms into a bedroom for the baby." She said and I smiled. I was surprised how supportive Maverick been since we told him about the baby. Hanging around to be there hasn't been his stronger side so far but he really stepped up. Buying a house in Miramar, renovated one of spare rooms, calling every day to make sure Sienna is okay. I think even Sienna is surprised by it.

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