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We got a well deserved break after the mission. But neither of us wanted to part ways. Not even me and Hangman. Weirdly enough. So instead of going to different places we all took a vacation to Hawaii. Just getting away from everything and thinking about nothing.

"So, what's the plan Shark, going back to the navy?" Phoenix asked as Sienna placed drinks in front of us. She could never stop being a bartender. Ever. She smiled softly and looked over at me.

"We'll see." She said and Phoenix chuckled.

"Always a mystery." She said.

"No but for real, Sienna. Are you coming back?" Hangman asked and took a sip of his drink and his eyes widened.

"But if you want to go for your bartender career, I'm all for it." He said and we all laughed.

"I haven't made a decision yet. It's not just to go back." I said.

"What's stopping you?" Coyote asked.

"Don't interrogate her, let her be." Bradley said and I smiled softly.

"We're just curious." Coyote said.

"Yeah, we are all doomed if she's not in the air." Hangman said.

"She will be up in the air with her tail on fire, trust me." Phoenix said and we all chuckled. I looked over at Bradley and he smiled softly, his sunglasses down. We hadn't had this conversation yet, we didn't even know how our relationship would look like now. We hadn't even made it official. We both felt the same, I didn't want to be without him.

I walked back over to the bar and grabbed my drink and sat down next to Bradley. He gently squeezed my shoulder and I smiled softly.
"Maverick declined our invite?" Hangman asked.

"He had other obligations." I said knowing very well that my dad was not a person who planned his life. It just happened.

"Did they offer you a spot back in the Navy?" Bradley whispered and I nodded.

"Yep." I said and took a sip. He gestured that we should go away and talk for a second. We got up from our seats and walked away.

"Use protection!" Hangman called after us and I turned my head and gave him the finger and he laughed. Typical Hangman.

"What do you want to do?" Bradley asked as we had walked to a more private spot. I sat down on the beach and he sat down next to me and put his arm around my waist.

"I don't know." I said.

"We would see each other a lot more." He said.

"Maybe, if we get called on the same missions." I said.

"I don't want to brag, but we are the top pilots out there at the moment. It would be insane if we didn't get called on the same missions." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"What's holding you back?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"I don't know where we are at, in our relationship. I don't even know if we are in an relationship. We've never put a label on it." I said and he smiled softly.

Great Balls Of Fire | Top Gun - Maverick & BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now