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"What are you doing to me little guy?" I asked as I once again emptied my stomach in the toilet. Pregnancy was definitely not treating me well.

"Hey." I heard Bradley say and I looked up from the toilet to see him standing the door, looking concerned. He walked over and sat down on the edge of the bathtub and rubbed my back gently. I felt the vomit gurgle around in my stomach before it made its way up and I threw up once again. He held back my hair and rubbed my back. I flushed the toilet and leaned back in his arms.

"Hate seeing you feel this way." He whispered.

"It's okay." I mumbled. He helped me back up and I brushed my teeth before walking out of the bathroom. I gently stroke my little bump as I walked out to the kitchen. I looked out in the backyard where our friends were hanging out.

"I can send them home." Bradley said.

"They will understand." He added and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm good." I said and he hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. He gently put his hands on my stomach and I smiled softly.

"It will all be worth it in the end." I said and I knew he smiled.

"You are the strongest person I know." He said and I turned around and faced him, seeing his warm and comforting smile. I kissed him softly before grabbing the side salad and walked back out to our friends.

"You okay?" Phoenix asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said and sat down but I could see my friends were a little concerned.

"Well, on to happier things." I said and they all chuckled.

"Nothing seems to concur you, Mitchell." Hangman said and I chuckled.

"I will never be defeated." I said.

"Wait until the terrible two's." He said and we all laughed.

"God, I love this song!" He exclaimed as one of his favourite 80s songs came on. He got up and walked over to Maddie.

"May I have this dance?" He asked and Bradley and I looked at each other with shocking faces. Was Hangman being..... nice? Maddie looked over at me for a quick second before looking back at Hangman and took his hand and got up from her seat. Bradley looked at me with a smirk before getting up and walking towards me.

"My dear, may I have this dance?" He asked politely and I blushed.

"You may, Mr. Aviator." I said and he smiled as I took his hand and got up. Sweetly enough, Bob asked Phoenix to dance, their relationship was strictly platonic. Just two aviators that had been through a lot and swore to never fly with anyone else.

Bradley put his arm around my waist and held my hand with his other hand. We swayed back and forth. He spun me around making me smile. Not many knew it about Rooster, but he was a darn good dancer. He knew how to lead a lady in a smooth rhythm, sending butterflies throughout my entire body. How could I get this lucky?

He placed his cheek next to mine as we danced to the slow song. It was magical, from time to time he spun me around, did a little two step move. It was perfect. The moment was perfect. I looked over at Maddie who was smiling widely. Who knew that Hangman could dance? He smiled at her and he almost looked sincere, like he liked her, the moment, dancing with her. I looked up at Bradley who also looked at them and smiled.

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