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"Tarz, let's go!" I shouted from the kitchen. I felt my phone buzzing and I picked it up from my pocket.

Good morning Ms. Mitchell, unfortunately is preschool closed today because of sick staff

Fuck. I sighed loudly and leaned onto the counter. Bradley walked into the kitchen with Tarzan on his hip. That little boy looked more and more like his dad for every day that went by.

"What's up?" He asked as he saw my distressed face.

"Preschool is closed today." I said and he sighed as he put down Tarzan.

"Well, he can come with us." He said.

"We are both going to be up in the air today." I said.

"There will be plenty of people who want to look after him." He said with a small smile as he stroke our son's hair.

"Come on, it's only one day, honey." He said and I looked down at our son.

"Pwease, mama." He said and I smiled softly.

"Okay." I said and Bradley picked him up again and Tarzan smiled widely.

"Alright, let's go. We can't be late." I said and grabbed my bag. I quickly packed some toys from Tarz before we headed out to the car. Bradley strapped him in and we took off.

I parked the car and grabbed my bag. I pulled down my sunglasses and pulled down my black long dress that had been pulled up a little from the drive. Bradley put Tarzan on his hip and we walked inside.

"Look at this, isn't it my favourite family." Hangman said and I smiled.

"Looking cool as always." He added.

"Angman." Tarzan said happily and we smiled. He reached out his hand and Hangman grabbed him from Bradley. Hangman was Tarzan's absolute favourite person, to say the least.

"I have something incredibly awesome to show you." He said to Tarzan.

"You two go and do your thing, we real men need some quality time." He said and Tarzan nodded confidently.

"Yep." He said and we chuckled.

"Okay." I said and the two of them walked off.

"Who knew Hangman would be a good uncle." I said and Bradley chuckled.

"Who knew Hangman would be engaged?" He asked and I chuckled. It was only a few months left until Hangman and Maddie was going to tie the knot. It was honestly a miracle. We got changed into our flight suits and walked hand in hand out to the hanger. He kissed me softly before I headed over to my plane. I climbed up the ladder and sat down. It always felt so damn good to sit in these jets. I felt home. I looked to my left to see dad in his jet and to my right was Bradley. I put my helmet down, checked the control systems before the canopy lowered over my head.

As my jet soared into the sky and I felt the pressure on my chest, I could take a deep breath of relief. I loved being a mother but this, this took the prize. I never feel so free as I do up in the air. I looked over to see Bradley flying next to me. He blew a kiss which I returned. I smiled widely as I thought to myself, I have everything I want in life. I looked at the picture of my son that I had in my jet and I smiled. I looked to my other side and saw my dad.

I truly did have everything I wanted.


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