Chapter One

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Where am I? The sky still shines a bright blue, but the haziness in the air clouds my vision. Who are you? A figure is outlined, but I only see a shadow and a faint smile. Why smile? This world's darkness is nothing to smile about.

Before I can say anything to him, everything goes black and I find myself wondering about that distant smile. Who was he?

Flickering my eyes open I see that the sky is still that same blue and the sun is still shining brightly. Pushing myself up I decide that if I would make it to my destination I would need to get a move on. The only problem was that I had absolutely no idea where I was.

"Ryujin do you have any idea where we are?" I said outloud. 'Maybe if you had brought a map. Then maybe we wouldn't be lost!' He shouted in my head and I sighed.

"It's not like you told me that in the first place." I grumbled to him. 'Summon me.'

"Are you sure that's a good idea? We don't know who's around here." I asked worried that people would see him.

'Fine, then don't.' Sighing I leave him be seeing as though even if I summoned him it would be pointless.

Walking in a direction that felt right, I kept heading on until I could hear the sounds of the sea. Not exactly where I want to be, but someone will probably have directions. Quickening my pace I soon see people, well ninja's to be exact.

Slowing down I make a clone before sending her forward to them.

Once she approaches the group of four she doesn't even try to hide her presence. "Yo." She said with a smile on her face.

They got in defensive positions before she started laughing. "Seriously. You think you could take me?" She kept on laughing before continuing with what she had to say. "But don't worry I won't hurt you. I just need directions."

No one said anything before, what I presume, their jonin instructor came forward and spoke. "Who are you?" My clone laughs. They seriously don't get how this works.

"That doesn't matter, I just need the information." She gets all serious before I see the jonin's eye trail in my direction. So he's noticed huh?

"Release!" I whisper to myself. The clone disappears leaving the genin confused. I mean they look about my age so why are they so dumb. Well I guess I'm an exception.

Walking forward I head to the exact same spot as my clone was at before. "So you show your true self." The jonin said still eyeing me carefully.

"One can't be too careful to distinguish between friend or foe. But I wasn't lying. All I need are directions." Everyone eyed me carefully giving me enough time to establish their ability levels.

Pinkette's smart, but is obviously not strong and doesn't know how to use her knowledge in any type of situation. Duck butt thinks he is the strongest person in the world, sorry to disappoint him, but I also sense a very negative energy coming from him. Hatred? Most likely that's what it is. I am very well aware of it too.

The jonin has a dojutsu. Though I can sense that it is not at it's full potential. And lastly... "Hey you're our age, you couldn't beat us! And I could beat you in a fight in two seconds because I am going to become the Hokage! Believe it!" The knucklehead. Though I can already tell that he at least has a couple of useful jutsu's. And something else....

"Naruto quiet down!" The pinkette goes over to knock him in the head with the duck butt smirking like the all powerful boy he is. Great teamwork everybody.

'I see you're very sarcastic today My Lady.' Shut it Ryujin.

"So you want to become Hokage. Then you obviously come from Konoha. What great luck since I have business there." I smile pushing my long white hair out of my way catching the eye of everyone, especially the jonin.

Probably not your usual day with seeing a young girl with white hair and red eyes. Well get use to it buddy, it's not going to just magically change!

"How about this. I'll tell you my name, and in return you tell me yours. Then maybe you can trust me enough to direct me to Konoha." I say getting inpatient with the long silence.

"Fine." The jonin doesn't lose his guard but sweatdrops at my attitude.

"I am Tsukiko. But you can call me Kiko if you'd like." I gave my name without giving away too much information.

" Hatake Kakashi. This is Naruto." He pointed to the blonde knucklehead. "Sakura." The pinkette waved. Wow no sense of danger. "And Sasuke," Lastly he pointed to the duck butt who just gave a Hn. These people are definitely interesting...

"Now that we are familiar with each other, do you mind giving me directions to Konoha. I happened to get lost on the way there." I give them a closed eyed smile and they all seemed to sweatdrop. What's their problem.

"Actually were on a mission here. We could escort you but we wouldn't be back to Konoha for a couple more days." Kakashi said. I thought about it before agreeing.

"Fine with me. And if you would like I can help you with this mission." He looked me over before giving me a questioning look.

"Are you even a ninja." He did not just go there.

'My lady, you are still in your formal wear.' Ryujin spoke in my mind as I looked down to see what I was in.

"What can I do to prove that I am actually stronger than all of you?" I asked hoping that it would be at least slightly difficult.

He thought for a moment. "Climb this tree." I deadpanned. Was he serious?

Sighing I put my hands behind my back and climbed up the tree. Hanging upside down from a branch I wait for anything else that he has to say.

When he says nothing I push off and flip back down to the ground. "Couldn't you at least given me something a bit harder." I walk past him but Naruto picks up something I dropped from the ground.

"Hey you dropped this! It's looks kinda cool though!" He lifted up a kitsune mask and was about to put it on, but I got it out of his hands faster than he could.

"Don't touch this." I mumbled to him as everyone stared at me wide eyed.

There was a long pause and no one was moving. I really put a damper on the okayish mood. 'Yeah you really did.' Ryujin mocked me but I knew he was right. But he also knows why no one else is allowed to touch it. If the kid hadn't been a Konoha ninja I would have snapped his neck in an instant.

"So this mission?" I asked brightly trying to lighten the mood.

"We have to protect the bridge builder, Tazuna, until the bridge is finished." The pinkette, Sakura, said to me.

Nodding I waited for them to continue with their training before sitting down next to a tree. Observing them quietly I made my own assumptions about the group. For one they really need to work on team work.

Drifting off to sleep I felt myself going into another dream filled with an unknown face of a man that I knew I was fated to meet again. And the feeling of loss and sadness only became stronger when I saw, once again, that warm smile.

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