Chapter Fourteen

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I stared at Itachi confused. If we don't do what the contract says we all die? "You can't be serious Itachi. We'll all die? I don't think so." I said getting frustrated.

"Maybe." He pulled out some dango and I looked at him dumbfounded.

"You're really eating right now? How are you not worried that if we don't do this stupid contract we'll all die!" I yelled at him getting fed up with his non-answers.

"I'm not worried and neither should you be." He began. "We won't really die." My mouth dropped. Did he try and make a joke out of this?

"Then what will happen!?!" I yelled getting even more frustrated.

"I wonder." He continued eating dango and I could only plop down onto the ground. Well, this trip has been useless.

Taking a frustrated leave from our conversation I leave the base to take a breather outside. Never have I ever dealt with such a difficult man! Sometimes (all the time) I want to strangle him! Sighing I put my hands behind my head kicking a stone as I walk. What was I supposed to do now? Hell if I know.

Sighing once more I give up kicking the rock for punching a tree. He pisses me off so much sometimes! I punch the tree again but harder. Why can't he just give me a straight answer so I can move on with my life! But no, he has to make everything so much more difficult than it already is. 

Punching the tree one last time I turn and slide down to the ground, resting my back against the tree. This is too stressful for me right now. Nothing can ever be simple can it?

A branch breaking caught my attention and when I looked up I saw a boy was standing in front of me. For some reason, he seemed so familiar but I couldn't place it. When I was about to speak he ran away disappearing in between the trees. 

Standing up I walked forward and saw the boy again, only this time, he was waving for me to follow. So what did I do? Well, of course, I followed him. Who wouldn't? He's a familiar, mysterious, young boy beckoning me to venture deeper into the woods, what's to be scared about that?

His figure flashed in and out of the tree's making him difficult to follow. Every now and then he would stop and motion again for me to keep following him. A strange feeling was rising in me like a memory was going to resurface.

'Ryujin what do you think?' I ask silently. He didn't respond. 'Suddenly quiet?' I chuckle but feel a bit worried that he hasn't responded.

Still, I follow the little boy deeper into the woods, going who knows where. Soon though, a clearing came into view. The tree's opened up to a small, bright section of grass. A soft wind picked up and I watched the tiny blades of grass move with it.

Stepping out into the clearing I hear a voice humming a song. It was quiet, but as I neared I could hear the lyrics more clearly.

When we were young,
And all we saw,
Was coloured by the sun,
The days were long,
The nights were warm,
And we would sing our song...

It was a nice calming tune, tugging at my memories to remember the past. I stepped further into the clearing to see where the voice was coming from. Laying in the grass was a man with the same white hair as me.

He stopped singing as I came closer, seeming to suddenly be on edge. I tried to be non-threatening and just stand my ground but I don't think it's helping.

Suddenly he stood up and faced me. "You can't be here, not yet."  I could barely get a glimpse of his face before my vision became dark and I blacked out. But what I could tell is that he wasn't human.

"Wake up." a voice forces me to open my eyes and I look up to see Itachi standing above me.

"How did I get here?" I ask standing up from my spot on the ground.

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