Chapter Five

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"Well you can use this room." Kakashi led me to a room in the back of his apartment where I would be temporarily staying. It was nice of him to let me stay here for now, but something felt off. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't help being curious. Maybe it was just a gut feeling I had since I would soon be exploring the Uchiha residence with Sasuke.

I had no idea what I would find or what would happen after I did find what I was looking for. It was all a mystery to me. And a scary mystery at that. I wanted to find what this "deal" was, but I couldn't help but wonder whether or not it was going to help me, or just complicate everything.

"Could I go walk around the village. if I'm going to be here for a while I want to become comfortable with the area." I asked Kakashi who was in the process of making dinner for the two of us.

"Sure. Come back in an hour to eat though." He didn't even look up from what he was doing so I opened the door to his apartment and left. 

It wasn't completely true that I wanted to get comfortable with the village. I wanted to speak with Ryujin and I felt that Kakashi would question what I was doing. I'm not used to being around and meeting so many people that a walk at dusk sounded like a great idea to calm my mind and talk with Ryujin.

I had something important to ask him. He was wise even though he was sometimes childish, but he would know why something felt off to me.

"Tell me Ryujin, do you have the same feeling as me?" I whispered out loud after passing a couple walking along the streets.

'Yes. It's been here ever since we arrived in Konoha. Though I think we still have time before it arrives. Still, I have a bad feeling about it. We've had bad feelings before and they never end well.' I nodded thinking about what Ryujin said. 

He was right by saying that whatever it was wasn't going to be here anytime soon, but it worried me. I knew that whoever it was, was far away, but even now I know that it has great power. It sends chills down my spine and that is something I've never encountered.

Turning my head I see a group of genin's leaving a restaurant, but it was a bad idea.

"Kiko!" Sakura yelled waving over to me. Sighing I stay where I am and she walks over to me.

"You should come meet everyone!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the group.

"Everyone this is Kiko!" She said smiling widely. I gave a small wave not daring to look at anyone. Only people who have experienced things like me don't question my eyes and hair. Even those who do are surprised.

"Kiko say hi!" Sakura nudged me forcing me to look up at everyone.

"Hello." I said monotone. I was enjoying my walk and really did not have the emotionally capacity to meet new people.

Ryujin laughed at me making me internally scowl. 'Shut it lizard.' He shut up after that and I could continue with trying to get away from these genin.

"I've never seen you before, Angel." A boy with a hood and a dog on his head said making me scowl at him. Not what I was expecting from a genin.

Looking him over I see him grinning most likely thinking that I'm checking him out. Well he's wrong, like way off. I was checking to see how powerful he was. "Weak." I looked away from him and he sweatdropped.

Another boy was eating chips as everyone crowded me. Walking up to him I take the last chip from his hand and shove it in my mouth. What I was hungry. "What?" Everyone was lost for words.

The boy all of a sudden became angry and started charging at me, fist raised at my face. Just as he was about to hit it, I grab it in my hand stopping his movement. Are all genin in Konoha weak?

"Choji!" A girl with blonde hair said. The boy, Choji, calmed down looking at me amazed.

"Um Kiko, how about I just introduce everyone to you?" Sakura asks putting her hands up defensively.

Nodding I wait for her to get it over with. "Well you already know Choji, and this is Ino, and Shikamaru." She said pointing to the girl with blonde hair and a lazy looking guy who looked like he was actually pretty smart.

"And this is Kiba," she pointed to the boy who was trying to flirt with me earlier. "And his team mates Hinata and Shino." Sakura pointed to a Hyuga girl and a Aburame. The only reason I knew that they were from those clans was because of her eyes and the bugs crawling over the boys skin. And the fact that I've had run ins with them before.

They all cautiously waved at me and for once I gave them a smile where they could actually really look at my eyes. They looked shocked for a moment before Kiba came up and looked directly in them, startling me. "So pretty." I was so shocked that I stepped back blinking my eyes fast. To say the least, I've never had that happen before.

Thinking of something to say, I say the question that I had been thinking. "Where's Sasuke?" I asked. I should probably tell him about going into the Uchiha Clan with him.

"Huh?" Ino and Sakura yelled in my face clearly upset. "Why do you want to see him?" Going back to my blank stare I face their glares with nothing. "I have things I need to discuss with him."

"Hey he's over there." Shikamaru pointed over to Sasuke who was taking a turn onto the street we were on.

Leaving Sakura and Ino to fight, I left the group and went to speak with Sasuke.

"Can we talk?" I asked looking into his onyx eyes.

His face turned slightly red before he turned away from me nodding and doing his famous Hn.

Grabbing his hand we run down the streets and find a more private place to talk.

"So what is it?" He asked catching his breath.

"I spoke with the Hokage. And because of my circumstances, you and I will be going into the Uchiha residence to find something I'm looking for." He stared at me wide eyed, lost for words.

"What?" He whispered to me shocked.

"Like I said," He cut me off.

"Why would you want to go there!" He yelled surprising me. "Maybe one day I can tell you more, but for now I need to find a document of sorts." I paused to let him take it in. "I can't go in there without you. Unless you okay it I won't be able to find what I'm looking for and I will have no choice but to leave Konoha. Besides this I have no other business here." I said receiving yet another look of pure shock from Sasuke.

"Okay." i smiled at him happily. "Thank you!" He nodded but said nothing more. 

Looking up at the sky I see that the dark sky was starting to be glittered with stars. "Well i should be going. Kakashi said to be back in an hour for dinner." He looked at me questionably but I shook my head walking away. "See you later Sasuke." I waved goodbye before jumping up onto the roof of the surrounding buildings. It will be easier to get back to Kakashi's place like this. Plus I don't have to worry about meeting any more new genin. 

"Do you think we'll find it?" I asked Ryujin as I jumped from building to building. 'Yes My Lady, I do think you will find what you are looking for. I will also help guide you to find it.' I smiled. It seemed like Ryujin was the only real person I could rely on. And he wasn't even a person.

"Then let's find this thing!" I said jumping up towards the rising moon. But if I don't find this in time, I have a feeling that whoever was creating that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach would get here. And the thought of that filled me with horror.

Sorry for the long wait! I was super busy and kinda lost on what to do with this chapter... But now I know exactly what I'm doing for the next few chapters so be excited to read more! I can't wait to get all of this story out!

Thanks My Lovelies! <3

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