Tara James

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Hi! My name is Tara James. I am 19 years old, and I am a freshman at Uni. I'm majoring in sound engineering.

I grew up in Dublin, Ireland with my mum and dad. I have an older sister, Kayla. She is two years older than me and has been going to Uni for a while. I have an even older brother, Jack. He's an English professor and author. Even though I hardly ever get to see him, he still finds a way to scare my boyfriends.

I've been told many times that I'm beautiful, but I don't believe them. I'm just a normal looking girl. I've seen beautiful girls, and I'm DEFINITELY not one of them.
My roommate, Josie Hughes, however, is gorgeous! She's the one who's beautiful and yet I'm the one who gets complimented or hit on.

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