Chapter 9: Dublin, Ireland

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Tara's POV

I told Niall I had to go because I didn't want to torture him by forcing him to talk to me. I decide to take a nap for the rest of the ferry ride.


I wake up to the sound of a car honking. I quickly start my car up and pull off the ferry. I tip the ferry man and drive onto the road.

I drive for about a half hour before I see my house. I speed up a little and pull into my driveway. I let out a sigh of relief. I get out and open my trunk. I hoist my suitcase out and roll it up to the front porch. The door is unlocked, so I just walk in.

"I'm home!" I say excitedly. I drop my suitcase when I see my mum run into the foyer.

"Kitara!" Mum screams, while pulling me into a big hug. "Oh, Kitty, how have you been?"

"Mum, you know I don't like people calling me that," I complain. I look down at her. I've been taller than her since I was fifteen. Mum looks at me, her eyes full of tears. I smile and let go of her.

"So, Mum, is Kayla or Jack home yet?" I ask, walking in to the living room. Nothing has changed, I think as I look around the room.

"Actually, Kitty, Jack and Kayla aren't able to come home. Jack was picked to help with an English workshop and Kayla decided to go to Australia with Lily and Coral," Mum says, walking over to me. I feel my eyes start to water. I was really looking forward to seeing them this break. I never get to see Jack since he works in the States, and even though Kayla and I go to the same university, she avoids me at all costs. She'll only acknowledge me as her sister at home.

"Oh. Um, ok," I say sadly. I walk down the hall and enter the room I shared with Kayla.

"Well, I guess I can have my own room now," I say to no one in particular. I place my suitcase in the closet, and I go back out to the living area and find Mum dusting the coffee table. I walk over to her and give her a huge hug. She's always been there when I need her; and right now, I need her.


Mum and I are sitting outside our favorite cafe. We've been going to this cafe ever since my first break up. I had come home crying, and Mum took me to a cafe that she went to when she was younger. It automatically became Our Spot.

"So, Kitara, have you got a boyfriend I should know about?" Mum asks, looking up at me. I laugh and look at her. Her face is totally serious. I choke back my laughter, and I look back at her with a serious look.

"Mm, no. I'm not dating anyone, and I'm not planning on it either," I say, smiling a little at the end. I take a sip of my coffee and look past Mum's head when I notice a large crowd around someone. I try to focus my vision better. I see a blonde boy dancing around trying to get someone's attention; MY attention. I choke on my coffee when I realize who it is.

It's Niall Horan.

Mum turns around and sees Niall dancing around like an idiot. I smile at him and mouth to stop. He mouths to come over. I shake my head no and watch him shrug his shoulders.

"Hon, I think that boy is trying to get your attention," Mum says, laughing at him. My cheeks turn red as I watch him.

Niall's POV

I see Tara at a cafe across the street. I start to walk over to her when I see that she's with her mum. I look around and do the only thing I can think of to get her attention.

I start to dance.

I do all of the dumb dance moves I've learned over the year, and soon enough, a crowd forms around me. I smile as I look over at Tara. She's staring at me with a goofy grin on her face. She mouths me to stop, and I reply by telling her to come over. Her mum looks over at me. I grin at her mum and look back at Tara. She shakes her head no, and I shrug my shoulders. I turn my attention back to the crowd and do even harder dance moves. People are taking pictures and videos by now. I look back at Tara and her mum and smile as I do a fancy spin. I finish it all by doing a flip. The crowd cheers and slowly disperses. I sign a lot of people's things and take a lot more pictures.

Finally, the crowd is gone, and Tara and her mum walk over to me. I smile and meet them at the edge of the sidewalk.

"Hello, Tara," I say, smiling at her. I look to her mum and say, "And you must be Tara's mum. It's a pleasure to meet you." Her mum looks over at Tara and smiles widely.

"Yes. You can call me Mrs. James. And your name is?" Mrs. James says, looking up at me.

"My name is Niall. Niall Horan," I say, shaking her hand. I shake it firmly, looking her in the eye. She smiles at me and gives an approving "Mm". I look at Tara, and she is staring at the ground.

"So, Niall, what happened to your eye?" Mrs. James asks, her voice full of concern. My hand goes up to touch the swollen eye.

"I was hit by a door on the ferry. It's no big deal, really. It doesn't even hurt," I say, trying to play it off so Tara's mum doesn't worry. I look at Tara again, and she's watching me carefully.

"So, how are you Tara? It's been a while since I've seen you," I say. Tara looks up at me and opens her mouth to say something when a guy comes up behind Tara and grabs her purse. Tara screams and tries to snatch it back, but the guy moves out of reach. I turn around and chase the guy down the street. I corner him in an alleyway. He turns around to face me, and I see he has scars all over his face. He looks at me like he's ready to kill me. I stand at the entrance of the alley. I hear Tara come up next to the building.

"Niall, it's okay. I'll just buy a new purse," Tara whispers at me. "Just let the guy go." I look at her and shake my head. I look back at the guy.

"Give me the purse," I say, squaring my feet so he knows I mean business. The guy laughs at me and steps closer. I clench my fist, readying myself to punch him. For once, I think happily, I can fight my own battle.

"And what're gonna do about it? Call your bodyguard...Niall?" he sneers at me. That really sets me off, and I throw a punch. The guy tries to punch back, but I block it and push him to the ground. I hold him still and grab the purse. I toss it to Tara, but she just watches as it lands by her feet.

"Niall, come on. I have my purse. We can go," Tara whispers so softly that I can hardly hear her. I shake my head and punch the guy again.

"If I find out you stole another woman's purse, I'll personally come find you and break your neck," I say, my voice husky and low. I look at the guy. His facial expression says he's not scared, but his eyes say he's terrified. I get off the guy and offer a hand to help him up. The crowd that had gathered gasps as they see what I'm doing. The guy smacks my hand away and gets up himself. He sulks off, not turning around. I watch to make sure he leaves for good.

I pick up Tara's purse and then grab her hand. I lead her down the street, with her mother close behind.

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