Chapter 7: Morning, Love

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Niall's POV

I wake up to a text from my mum. I look at my clock, 7:35am. I quickly reply and look at the clock.
"Well, no point in trying to go back to sleep," I say. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I hadn't got much sleep last night. Great, I think, I look like I haven't slept in years.

I walk down the stairs and look in the living room, but I don't see anyone. I look in the kitchen and see Josie and Tara standing around the coffee machine. I hear buttons being pushed but nothing happens after that.
"Do you ladies need help?" I ask. They both jump a little. I smile at this. Josie turns around and smiles at me before nodding her head. I look at Tara, but her back is facing me. I hear her mumble yes and nod her head. I frown, but I walk towards them.
"Okay! I'm gonna use the restroom," Josie says. She walks down the hallway and then comes running back. "Um, where exactly is the bathroom?"
"Down the hall, make a left, third door on the right," I say, pouring water into the coffee machine. I hear as Josie walks back down the hallway. I look over at Tara and smile at her. She looks at me, but she instantly turns to look the other way. I try to shake off the feeling that I've just been rejected.

"So, how are you feeling?" I ask as the machine starts to brew the coffee. I look at her again, but she is still looking at the wall. I sigh and pull out two mugs. I pour coffee into both of them and hand one to Tara.

"I'm feeling a lot better," Tara says, quickly glancing at me, "Um, thanks a lot for letting me and Josie crash her. We really appreciate it." I nod my head and take a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, it was, uh, no problem. None at all," I say. I take another sip. Tara looks out the window, obviously avoiding eye contact. I lean against the counter and place my cup down.

"So, tell me, Tara. What do you do?" I ask. She looks at me confused but then understands. Tara looks down at the floor and mumbles something. "What?" I say.

"I'm, um, majoring in sound engineering at Uni," she says a little louder. My eyebrows go up, but I remember the night I actually got to learn Tara's name and how she was really impressed by all of the sound equipment. I nod my head.

"That's really cool. I was actually going to do that same thing if I didn't make it on X Factor," I say. Tara smiles a little at this and glances at me. She quickly turns back to the window when she sees that I caught her. I smile and look at her. She's so beautiful. But for some reason, she doesn't know that. I'm positive a girl like her has a boyfriend. And I bet he's extremely protective of her; considering how hot she is. Guys must be lining up to go out with her at Uni. Man, too bad that can't be me, I think sadly.

Tara's POV

I look out the window. Why is Niall even still here? I mean, he must think I'm hideous. I bet he's trying to think of ways to ask me to leave so him and Josie can talk and have some fun. She's perfect for a guy like him, I think. I shake my head.

"I, um, I should probably go find Josie so we can leave," I say softly. I push off the counter and place the full mug in the sink. I walk down the hallway and turn left. I find the bathroom and see Josie sitting on the closed toilet, texting someone.

"Hey, we should probably be going," I say, making her jump off the toilet. I laugh a little and watch her cheeks flare pink. She smiles at me and nods her head. We walk back out with out arms linked, smiling all the way back to the kitchen. When we get there, I see Liam, Harry, and Zayn are all awake and drinking coffee. Josie smiles at them, while I hide a little behind her.

"Hello, Josie," Harry says, smiling widely, "Tara." I nod my head in response and turn to the living room. I start folding the blankets we had used last night.

"Oh! You don't have to do that, love," Louis says behind me. I jump a little at the sound of his voice. I turn to look at him, and I see that he's laughing at me. I feel my cheeks turn red, and I turn back around and continue folding them.

"Tara! I said you don't have to fold them. They'll just get messed up later today," Louis says again, grabbing the folded blanket from me and tossing it on the couch. I watch as it unfolds and lands on the couch messily. I stare at it.

Josie comes in and looks at the blanket. She looks up at me and shakes her head.

"Go ahead. Fold it," she says, sighing. I dash over to it and fold it again before Louis can say anything.

"Tara! Didn't I just say you don't have to fold the damn blanket?" Louis yells. I ignore him and continue.

"Louis, she has to. She's really OCD about things like this. She'll never leave if the blanket isn't folded," I hear Josie explain. I glance over at Louis, and he is nodding his head slowly. Niall walks in and comes over to me. I gently place the newly folded blanket on the couch and move out of the way so Niall can sit down. But, instead of sitting down, he sidesteps in front of me and looks me in the eye.

"Here are all of the boys' numbers. You can call us whenever you need something. Really, we don't mind," he says softly. "Just, please, don't give it out to too many people." My eyebrows stitch together as I try to process what is happening. Am I getting five famous boys' numbers? How did this even happen? I think, my mind spinning.

"T-t-thanks," I reply softly. Josie grabs my hand and drags me out of the house. She yells goodbye to the boys and, instantly, a chorus of "byes" go off.

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