Chapter 6: Make Yourself At Home

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Niall's POV

I ran over to Tara. She just collapsed when she saw the paps' camera flash. I saw Zayn motion for me to leave. I look at Tara again. No way am I leaving her! That'd be so mean! I think. I glance up at Zayn and see he's watching me. He nods his head slightly and runs off. I scoop Tara up easily and dash out of the food court. Dang, this girl is light! I think as I'm running to the van.


"What the? Where am I?" Tara says, moving around on the couch. I rush over to her and gently push her back to a laying position. She looks at me and then her face covers with fear.

Tara's POV

I wake up from a weird sleep. I look around the room and recognize just about nothing in the room.
"What the? Where am I?" I ask, moving to a sitting position. I hear a chair move, and suddenly Niall Horan is in front of me. He gently pushes me back to a laying position. I look at him confused, and then I realize that I probably look hideous. He's probably trying to think of ways to get rid of me, I think, I bet he's thinking I'm so ugly and hoping that it doesn't rub off on him or the other lads. I look around the room looking for Josie. I see her in the kitchen area talking to Harry and Louis.
"Tara, are you okay?" Niall asks me softly. I look at him again and nod my head. I shiver a little and, instantly, Niall runs over to a basket and grabs a huge blanket. He covers me in it.
"Is there anything you need? Food? Drink? Anything?" Niall asks. I raise my eyebrows and pull the covers closer to my chin. He looks at me confused. I pull the covers over my head and lay completely on my back. Niall shook me a little.
"Go away," I say softly. He stops shaking me and grabs the blanket. He tugs at it until my face is revealed. I move my face so I'm looking at the cushions.
"Tara, look at me," Niall says, placing his hands on my cheek and moving my head to look at him. I look down and wait for him to laugh at me. Instead he just stares at me.

Liam's POV

I walk over to where Niall and Tara are and see Niall basically drooling. I tap his shoulder and he almost falls off the couch. Tara flicks her eyes up, and she gives me a grateful smile. Mm, weird, I think as I help Niall get up.
"Niall, I gotta talk to you," I say. He looks at me and slowly gets up.
"I'll be right back, love," Niall says quietly. I walk back to the kitchen where Harry, Louis, and Josie are talking. They all look over at us and smile. Josie gets up and walks out the room and over to Tara.
"Hey," Harry says. I nod my head and go over to the sink. I get a glass of water and walk back to the table.
"So, Niall, what are we gonna do?" I ask, glancing over to Tara and Josie. Tara is laughing, and I see Josie playfully punch Tara. I smile and look back at Niall. He has his head in his hands and is shaking it slowly.
"Are the girls going to be spending the night?" Harry asks, hungrily looking over at Josie. I punch his arm and give him a look.
"Ooo! Sleepover!" Louis says excitedly. I shake my head not sure what to do. Niall looks up at me, and his eyes are empty. I stare at him confused.
"I don't think that's a very good idea," Zayn says, walking in. "What will Paul and Simon do when they find out we had two random girls spend the night?" I nod my head in agreement. Louis and Harry's faces fall, and they look down at the table.
I look over at the clock.
"It's 11:38pm, guys. I don't think they should drive all the way back to Uni tonight. It'll take then over an hour, and I don't think Josie can drive that far without falling asleep. I don't like the idea of them staying, but I dislike the idea of the possibility of them getting in an accident more," I say. I look around the table and see Louis nod. Harry looks excited while Niall and Zayn don't look too thrilled.
"Fine," Zayn says. He gets up and walks back up the stairs to his room. I look at Niall, but he's staring at Tara and Josie peacefully asleep on the couch. He lets out a sigh and nods his head.
"Yeah, okay," he says softly.

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