Chapter 4: One Thing

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Tara's POV

Josie and I are almost out the door. I'm so happy that I scream. Josie looks at me and laughs.
"Did you really hate the concert that much?? Josie asks through giggles. I playfully gag at her and laugh when she pouts. Just a few more feet! I think when I hear the intercom come on. I look up to try and find where the intercom is.
"Excuse me, if the two girls who were sitting in seats A3 15 and A3 16 are still in the building, please come to the sound room immediately. I will be asking to see your tickets for verification," the voice booms. I roll my eyes and feel bad for the two girls who have to push their way through this crowd. I look over at Josie and see she's looking at our tickets.
"Josie! It's not us. Just forget it," I say bluntly. She just looks up at me, her eyes wide. I stare at her and think No, no, no, no! It can't be us! Please don't let it be us! I look at Josie's hands and grab the tickets. NOOOO! Why does it have to be us? What did we even do? I think. I look at Josie, begging her not to make me go to the sound room. But she ignores it and pulls me through the crowd.


Josie finds the sound room and knocks on the door. I pull my arm away and look at the ground. I can't let the people look at me. They'll see me and think that I'm ugly and that they made a mistake. I start twirling my hair and looking around for an escape. I spot a crowd of girls that I could join until I'm far enough away from Josie and the sound room. Right as I'm about to join the passing group, the sound room door swings open and a big man stands in the doorway. I look him up and down. He's a very bloke man with short brown hair and a small beard. I gulp and look down again.
"Hi! I'm Josie Hughes, and this is Tara James. We're the girls you called for," Josie says coolly, handing the man our tickets. He looks at them and nods his head. He makes a sort of "mm" noise and looks back at us.
"Okay, come in. The boys will be here in a moment," the man says in an Irish accent while stepping aside, "I'm Paul by the way." Josie and I say hello and walk into the room. I look around and am amazed by all of the equipment. I look at all of the control panels.
"Woah! Sick equipment," I say quietly.
"I know. It's insane, isn't it?" An Irish accent says behind me. I spin around and see One Direction standing in the doorway. The usually cool, calm, and collected Josie is staring at the boys. I give a little nervous laugh and nod my head.
"You'''re One Direction!" Josie says, amazement covering her entire face. The boys look at her and give their award winning smile.
"Can you sign my phone case?" Josie asks, pulling her case off her phone. The boys take out sharpies and sign the case. Harry turns to me.
"Is there anything you'd like us to sign, love?" Harry asks, his Redditch accent obvious. I shake my head.
"Um, no. I didn't bring anything," I say sheepishly. Niall looks around the room and takes a sheet off the sound panels. I watch as he signs it and hands it to the others. Once they've all signed it, Liam hands it to me. I look at it. It's a piece of paper with the songs they sang tonght. All around it are the boys' signatures.
"T-t-thanks," I say softly.
"So, what are your names, loves?" Louis asks. I turn to Josie and see that she has recomposed herself.
"I'm Josie Hughes and this is my friend Tara James," Josie says. She smiles at Louis and looks at me. I give a little wave and look down.

Niall's POV 

I watch Tara as she waves to us. Something about her is so different. I can't seem to place a finger on what, though. The Josie girl continues talking, but I don't hear anything. All I hear is Tara's feet slowly shuffling away from us. Her eyes are on the door behind us, but her feet are moving to the other side of the room.
"Mate, you okay?" Zayn asks me. I look at him and nod my head.
"Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask. The other three boys look at me skeptically.
"Because Josie asked us a question, and you haven't answered yet," Liam says slowly. I shake my head trying to remember what she had said.
"Oh! Um, I'm sorry, but what was the question?" I say. I look at Josie and her smile falters a bit.
"Um, I asked what your favorite song on the album is," she says looking at me. I crack a smile and nod my head.
"Oh! My favorite would be 'One Thing'. Definitely 'One Thing'," I say glancing at Tara. She's farther than when she was when I was first watching her.
"So, Tara, did you enjoy the concert?" I ask, catching her off guard. She stumbles a bit when she realizes I'm talking to her. She looks a bit shocked.
"Um, yeah. It was, uh, really good. Yeah," she says quickly. I glance at the other boys, and they're all just as confused.
"What about you, Josie?" Harry asks. I hear her answer, but my mind is focused on Tara. She's so beautiful, but she doesn't seem to know it.

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