Chapter 38: Cat Fight

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Niall's POV

We wait on the curb by the van for Zayn to bring back Tara.

"Guys! Why isn't he back yet?" I whine. Liam lets out a frustrated breath.

"Niall," Liam says, trying to hold onto the little patience he has left. "Zayn is probably talking to her. You saw Tara. She's obviously got some things going on that she needs to let out. And Zayn is the perfect guy for doing that."

I nod my head, knowing that he's right. I look down at my untouched food. I look at Liv who is sitting next to me, her smoothie cup empty.

"Here," I say, placing my burger on her lap. Liv almost screams and flings the burger in to the air. Harry gets hit by it since he is sitting across from her. He looks over at her, shrugs, and opens it. I watch as he takes a bite of it, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Anyone have any ketchup?" Harry asks. Liam passes the ketchup packages we have.

"Paul wants us back soon. We leave in two hours to go to San Diego," Louis says, coming back from the bathroom. We all nod our heads.

"I'm guessing no news yet," Louis says sitting next to Harry.

"No," Harry responds quietly. I sigh.

"It's been over an hour!" I say, standing up and getting ready to go after them myself. Liv pulls me down and holds onto my arm. I try to shrug her off, but then I see a flash go off.

Immediately, all of our heads turn to the source just in time. A big guy runs to a car parked across the street with his camera. He pulls out his phone and puts it against his ear. He starts talking, and five minutes later, ten paps show up. The crowd keeps growing. I grab Liv's hand and pull her to the van. Everyone piles in.

"Tara and Zayn aren't back!" Louis says from the front seat.

"Well, then we'll have to go find them ourselves," I say. I look out the window at the sea of paps and their annoying flashing cameras. Louis pulls out of the parking spot and moves to the exit where we first found Tara.

It seemed like déjà vu. As soon as Louis was about to pull out, Tara walks right in front of it. Again, Louis slams on the brakes and Tara freezes. But this time, Zayn pulls her to the car door. Liam opens the door so they can climb in.

The van is really crowded as we drive back to the bus. I'm kind of claustrophobic, so this is making me a little nervous. I try to breath deeper, but nothing seems to help me.

"Niall, close your eyes and imagine you're in a giant, empty room. Okay?" Liv says calmly, grabbing my hand and staring at me. I nod my head and do as I'm told. Slowly, the trapped feeling leaves my mind and my body loosens up. I open my eyes slowly and feel much better. I look at Liv.

"Thanks, babe," I say, really meaning it. I look back at Zayn and Tara to see Zayn watching me like a hawk and Tara hugging his arm like it's a lifeline. Something happened between them, and I don't like it. I don't know why I'm feeling jealous, I mean, she was never mine. And, she's a great girl, so why shouldn't he be able to date Tara. They'd make a great couple if he wasn't already dating Perrie

I smile at Tara and then send a smile to Zayn. Tara looks down at her lap, but Zayn just keeps glaring at me. I drop my smile and turn back to the front.


Louis pulls the van next to the bus, and we all get out. Everyone stretches and then heads to the bus. Before Harry can even touch the door handle, Paul flings the door open. He glares down at us, his arms crossing his broad chest. We all gather around to explain to Paul what happened.

"Girls, get inside and get ready for bed. We're leaving in forty minutes," Paul tells them. He moves to the side to let the girls slip inside. Paul turns back to us, his cross expression back in place.

"What the hell? I told you guys to get back here hours ago! Where have you been?" Paul yells. All of us look down, not sure how to respond. "I get that having Liv tour with you guys is going to take some adjusting, and when Tara was given the job, I never thought she'd be joining the bus too. If I knew that before, I would've gotten another bus for her and Liv and Josie and Louise. It would've worked perfectly. But no. No. Everything just has to go all wacko!"

"Paul, we didn't mean to cause this much stress on you," Liam says, stepping forward a little. Paul stares down at him.

A soft screech bursts through the bus's metal walls. I look at the other lads and see they heard it too. Paul doesn't seem to have heard it. I'm about to bring it up when Paul starts talking again.

"Get in now and get ready," Paul commands. No one says anything as Harry reaches for the door handle.

"If this happens again, Tara and Josie will both be leaving the tour," Paul warns. We all nod our heads and open the door. Everyone moves inside to see a crying Tara run to the back and a pleased Liv sit down on the couch.

Tara's POV

Liv and I walk in the bus. I walk to the back and grab my pajamas. I quickly change and come back to the living area to get a drink. Liv comes up behind me and slaps the cup out of my hand. The water spills all over the ground and me. I let out a shriek as the cold water trickles down my shirt.

"What was that for?" I whisper-shout. Liv just smirks at me.

"For trying to get in my way," Liv hisses. I stare at her, trying to think of what she could mean.

"What did I do?" I ask. Liv just stares at me. She uncrosses her arms and takes a step closer. I try to back up, but I hit the counter.

"Just stay away from the boys. They're a vital piece of my plan, and I don't need a twit like you ruining them," Liv says, "And if I hear about you trying to get it on with Niall, my boyfriend, then I'll make sure your life is a living hell. Ok?"

I don't respond which only makes her mad. She brings her hand up and runs her long, red nails across my cheek. Ironically, it's the same cheek my dad slapped. I feel blood start to trickle down my face.

"And that's just a warning," Liv says, spinning on her heel and standing in front of the couch. I try to say something but the door flies open. I make a run for the bathroom, completely ignoring Liv's smirk and the boys' shouting.


Heylo! Sorry I didn't update last night. I was hanging out with my family for Labor Day weekend. While we're on the topic, how has yours been? Three or four day weekend! It totally stinks that I have a ton of homework this weekend, though. Ugh! Teachers just don't understand the concept of a weekend.

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me! Love ya!

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