Chapter 5: What Happened?

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Niall's POV 

"Guys, did any of you notice how Tara was inching away from us?" I ask when we're all on our tour bus. All of them respond with no's or by shrugging. I sigh and start juggling my football.
"Hey, Niall, what happened today?" Zayn asks, sitting down on the couch. Liam looks over at me, concern covering his face.
"What do you mean?" Liam asks.
"Oh, well Niall came into the bathroom and-" Zayn starts but stops when he sees me glaring at him.
"Nothing," I say curtly. Liam looks at me, and I know that he doesn't believe me. I don't really care, though. No one needs to know what happened or what I had said. Zayn knows, but I can trust him not to tell anyone.

Tara's POV

We finally get home at 1:30 in the morning. Thank God it's Friday! I think happily. I crash on to my bed and pull off the jeans and tank. I throw on my pajamas and pull the covers over my head.
"Can you believe it?" Josie says excitedly. I groan. I place a pillow over my ear, but I can still hear her talking.
"Josie!" I say suddenly, "Please, please go to bed!" I look at her and watch her smile fall to a frown. She whispers an 'okay' and climbs into bed. I feel bad, honestly, but I think I would've moved out to the hallway if she hadn't shut up.

I wake up and see Josie looking at her phone case. She's painting a clear coat of nail polish on it to preserve the signatures. I watch her as she places the case in her special drawer and then place an old case on her phone. Smart move, I think, Every girl would try to steal her phone if they knew she had it signed by One Direction.
I move off my bed, and I walk to my closet. I pull out a pair of black jean shorts, and a white crop top. I shove on my black army boots and grab Josie's hand.


"Let's go to the mall!" Josie says. She grabs her black skater skirt and pink crop top and goes to the bathroom to shower. I sigh and pull out some black leggings and a jean button up. I pull on my knee high, dark grey boots right as Josie comes out.
"Yay! Your outfit looks awesome!" Josie says happily. I give her a look but follow her anyway.
We get to the mall and see a crowd around Kohl's. I'm not a fan of the store and neither is Josie, so we just walk right past it. We walk down to Forever 21 and look around. Josie buys a bunch of new clothes.
As we are walking to the food court, we see the same crowd but around the Nike store. Josie and I walk over, but we can't see anything.
"Oh well!" I say, "Let's go to the food court. I'm starving!" Josie laughs at my comment and we continue our journey across the mall.

"That was delicious!" Josie says, throwing her napkin on her plate. I nod my head and stand up. I fix my top and grab my plate. Josie gets up with her plate and follows me.
"So, what do you wanna do now?" I ask, looking next to me. She's running into Justice. I sigh and stand there, waiting for her. I start to yell something at her when someone runs into me. Like, literally runs into me.
"Agh!" I scream, and hit the floor with someone on top of me. I start to scream to get off of me, but the person covers my mouth. They get up, their hand still covering my mouth. They basically lift me up so I face Justice. I lick their hand and they let go.
"Ew! What hell?" He says, his Irish accent giving his identity away. I slowly turn around, barely breathing. He's looking around for someone, totally ignoring me. I start to back away when he turns to look at me. He gasps and then smiles at me. I turn and head towards Josie's direction when a flash goes off. I freeze. My vision starts to blur as more and more flashes go off. I feel myself sway a little and then collapse to the ground.

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