Chapter 1: Welcome Back!

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Tara's POV 

I got back from Dublin a few days earlier, and I am staying with my best friend and roommate, Josie. Gosh, she's so awesome and pretty. I don't know why she's always trying to set me up and not herself. We go shopping at the mall, and I get some great clothes for school. It also gives us a chance to talk about our winter break without her overprotective mother listening.
"So, did your dad get you those tickets you had wanted?" I ask as I look through a rack of blouses. I hear her sigh.
"No, he said that I'm too old to be going to silly concerts like those. I wanted to scream at him, but all I got to do was cry into my pillow. Oh well, I'm sure One Direction will come again," Josie says sadly. She picks up a shirt with the American flag on it. I laugh and nod my head. She finds her size and goes to check out.
"I'm thinking about buying a ticket for my birthday," Josie says as she hands over her credit card. I shake my head. I could NOT let her buy tickets. I already bought two tickets for her birthday and if she got tickets herself, the gift would be ruined.
"Mm, maybe your dad is planning on giving you tickets for your birthday instead. You know, like, maybe he thought it'd be funny to watch you get mad at Christmas and then surprise you for your birthday. I bet that's it!" I say, faking my excitement.
"I doubt it!" she says, "But, who knows. My dad is weird." I laugh nervously and nod my head.
We get back to Josie's house, and I look at the time.
"Ohmygosh! We need to go!" I say. I frantically grab my bags and throw them in my car. Josie loads her car, and we head off to our dorm house.

We get to our dorm room, and I let out a sigh of relief. We had barely made it for reregistration. I throw my backpack on top of my bed and start unpacking my boxes. It was good to be back.

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