Chapter 10: Dinner

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Louis' POV

Me and the lads lay around the hotel room. Niall had gone out to get us a movie and some dinner over an hour ago.
"What's taking him so long?" Harry complains, keeping his eyes on the TV screen. I shrug my shoulders and look at the door for the tenth time within the hour. I look down at my phone and decide to look at Twitter. I open the app and flick through the usual "I love you" and "Follow me please!" comments. I'm about to close it, when a picture of Niall catches my eye. I click on the user who posted it, but I see that the user is private. I click Follow and watch to see if the user accepts it. When the person doesn't accept my request after five minutes, I close the app and look at Liam.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks. I guess my face gave away the fact that I saw something.

"I just saw a picture of Niall on Twitter," I say. Liam looks at me confused. "The picture was quite disturbing." Harry and Zayn both over at us, suddenly interested in what Liam and I's conversation is about.

"What do you mean by 'disturbing'?" Harry asks, sitting up. I look at him and sigh. I pull out my phone and see that the user has accepted my request. My eyes go big, and I open the app. I find the photo again and click on it.

The picture was definitely Niall. It was him and and some guy fighting. I see Tara in the background with her eyes red. I gasp as I read the caption. I hand my phone to Liam and squeeze a pillow. He reads it out loud.

"One Direction's Niall Horan in a fight over his new girlfriend's purse. Isn't it adorable how he fought for it? He even got a black eye and a cut on his chin. I love you so much, Nialler," Liam read, his tone emotionless. I look at Harry and Zayn, and they are both staring at Liam, not wanting to believe what they heard. Liam hands my phone to Zayn, and him and Harry look at the picture. I see their eyes go wide as they read other people's comments.

"What the hell?" Harry says quietly.

"Guys! We need to call him! We need to find out where he is and if he's hurt!" Zayn says quickly. He whips his phone out and dials Niall's number.

Tara's POV

"Niall, that was such a stupid move!" I say to him as Mum cleans his cut. I hand him the ice pack I made and pull myself up on the counter. Niall lets out a little yelp when Mum dabs the cut with some medicine.

"There. Good as new," Mum says, "Well, you know. As good as it can get, anyway." She starts to pack the First Aid kit. Niall thanks her and stands up from the chair.

"So, Niall, would you like to stay for dinner?" Mum asks, washing her hands. Niall turns to face her, and I look at her. Mum smiles, and I shake my head vigorously. Niall turns to me, and I stop my head and look down.

"I would love to, but I have four other boys waiting for me to bring them food," Niall says. Mum's face looks surprised when he says this.

"You're married? She must be a very lucky lady," Mum says, smiling. I slap my forehead, and I hear Niall laugh.

"No, I live with my band. We're here for some interviews, but right now, they're at our flat waiting for food," Niall says, laughing every now and then. I smile an apology to him, but he laughs it off.

"Oh! You and your band must be pretty big to be doing an interview," Mum says. I slap my forehead again.

"Mum! He's in the band One Direction. You know, the one Josie is obsessed with?" I say. Mum looks at me, shock covering her face. She looks at Niall, her eyes wide.

"Oh my! You're in One Direction? Wow, that must be crazy. All of those girls always screaming at you and knowing everything about you. Does it ever get annoying?" Mum asks. I glare at her, but she just ignores it. "Anyway, if you want, you can invite the other boys over for dinner. Kitara and I don't mind at all, do we?" Mum looks at me, and I shake my head obediently.

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