Chapter 3: The Concert

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Tara's POV

I walk out of the bathroom in jeans and a Uni T-shirt. I unplug my phone and turn around to see Josie at our floor length mirror in a pink, floral dress and cowgirl boots. She has a brown, fringe purse and a halo headband on. She looks amazing.
"Oh no, honey! You can't wear that!" Josie says, turning me around. I roll my eyes at her comment.
"Why not?" I ask. I like this outfit. "I wear this all the time, and you've never said anything before."
"Yeah, well, it's fine for college. Just not, you know, a One Direction concert," Josie says in a soft voice. I smack her hand as she tries to pull off my shirt. Josie grunts and walks to her closet. She pulls out black skinny jeans, a white flowy tank top, and a gold leather jacket. She throws the clothes at me and then walks over to my shoes. She pulls out a pair of black heals.
"Put it on! Quick!" Josie says impatiently.

We get to our seats. Front row seats! This is just crazy! I think as I look up at the stage. Josie puts her jacket and drink down and pulls my arm. I stumble behind her.
"Where are we going?" I ask. Josie just ignores me, though.
We walk for another ten minutes until she stops abruptly. I run into her.
"What?" I ask, trying to look around her. All I can see is two boys. One has brown hair that swoops in the front. He is wearing a black shirt and khakis. The other guy has dirty blond hair that is spiked up. He's wearing a white shirt with black jeans. Everyone is crowding around the two boys. I start to say something when I realize Josie isn't next to me. I turn in a circle, but I can only see screaming girls rushing towards the two boys. I turn back to the boys and see one girl hugging the brown haired boy. I try to see who is hugging the boy, but I can't see any details about her.
"OMG! Why is Louis hugging that fat girl! She's so ugly!" I move a little closer and see the brown haired boy, I guess Louis, hugging Josie. I frown and try to push myself to her.
"I HAVE to get a hug from Niall!" I hear someone say from behind me. I'm about to grab Josie's hand when someone pushes me to the ground. Before my face meets the ground, though, a strong pair of hands catch me.
"Are you alright, lass?" A thick accent asks. I nod my head. I turn to see who had caught me, and the blonde boy is standing there.
"Yes, um, thank you," I say awkwardly. He smiles at me and turns to go. I watch as he is sucked into the sea of girls.

Niall's POV 

"Niall. Niall! NIALL!" Liam yells, waving his hand in front of my face. I blink and turn to him. He looks at me and is about to say something when Louis comes in whistling.
"So," Liam says turning to Louis, "lads, we go on in ten minutes. So, do whatever you got to do,"He looks back at me. I turn to go to the bathroom, and I walk in and lock the door.

"You're insane! It was one girl, and you didn't even say anything," I say to myself. I splash some water on my face and look at myself in the mirror. "Come on! You've seen millions of girls, so why does this one seem different? She's one girl! And yet I can't seem to get her out of my head." I smack the paper towel dispenser. Instantly, I feel pain shoot through my palm. I hold it tight.
"Mate, you okay?" Zayn says cautiously. I spin around and see that he's walking out of the last stall. Shit! Why didn't I check to make sure I was alone? I think as I look at him. I nod my head and walk out the door.

Tara's POV

The concert started two hours late. But I didn't care. Josie kept talking about how excited she was. I would've waited all night if it meant I could see her this happy the entire time.
When the concert starts, I see four boys. I recognize the one with curly hair. Harry, maybe? I think as I try to match names to faces. I see Liam and Zayn. And I recognize Louis from the hallway.
"Wait! Where's Niall?" Josie screams, terror in her eyes. I shake my head. Which one's Niall? I think frantically. Just as I remember blonde hair, he walks out, his hand bandaged. I almost spit out my drink. I look over at Josie, and she's screaming her head off. I watch him as he looks over the sea of girls in front of him. He scans the front row during "Stand Up", and he finally spots me. I blush and look down.
The concert continues, and we even stay for the encore. They read tweets and answer questions.

The concert ends, and I'm exhausted. Josie and I slowly walk out into the hallway. It took us fifteen minutes just to leave the auditorium; it's going to take forever to leave the building and parking lot.

Niall's POV

"Paul! Can you make an announcement? Please, it's urgent!" I ask. He looks at me skeptically. I had seen the girl I caught when we were performing. She was sitting so close to me!
"That depends. What's the message?" Paul asks, crossing his arms and staring at me. I gulp and whisper in his ear my message. He looks at me like I'm crazy. I silently plead, and he sighs.
"Fine. Fine. But if I get in trouble, you're dead to me," Paul says. I laugh, and he smiles. I watch as he walks over to the sound room. I smile and run all the way back to the dressing room.

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