Chapter 8: Talking to Niall

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A/N: Heylo! Sorry for the time jump, I just really want to get to the part where everything starts to get crazy. I hope you guys don't get too confused. Love you tons!


Tara's POV

"I love spring!" I say as I walk out my dorm building. It's just so beautiful. The flowers blooming, the clear blue sky, the birds chirping. Everything is just so peaceful. I take a deep breath and lift up my suitcase.

Spring break came fast, and I just can't wait to go back to Dublin. I walk over to the driver's seat and get in. I turn on the music up and pull out the parking lot. I smile and turn the radio up as I hear a One Direction song come on.

[Liam] "Let's dance in style, Let's dance for a while, Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies, Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?

[Harry] "Let us die young or let us live forever, We don't have the power but we never say never, Sitting in a sandpit, Life is a short trip, The music's for the sad man."

[All] "Forever young,I wanna be Forever young. Do you really wanna live forever, Forever, Forever young?"

[Niall] "Some are like water, some are like the heat, Some are a melody and some are the beat, But sooner or later they all will be gone, Why don't they stay young?"

[Harry] "It's hard to get old without a cause, I don't want to perish like a fading horse, Youth is like diamonds in the sun, And diamonds are forever."

[All] "Forever young, I wanna be Forever young. Do you really wanna live forever, Forever Or never? Forever young, I wanna be Forever young (forever). Do you really wanna live forever, Forever Or never?"

[Liam] "So many adventures couldn't happen today, So many songs we forgot to play, So many dreams are swinging out of the blue, We let 'em come true."

[Harry] "Forever young, I wanna be Forever young. Do you really wanna live forever, Forever Or never?"

[All] "Forever young, I wanna be Forever young. Do you really wanna live forever, Forever Or never? Forever young, I wanna be Forever young (forever). Do you really wanna live forever (forever), Forever Or never? Forever young, I wanna be Forever young (forever). Do you really wanna live forever (forever), Forever (forever), Forever young..."

I smile as I hear the song end. After that night at the boys' flat, I've secretly become a Directioner. I have all of their songs on my phone. And Josie doesn't know. I haven't told her yet because I'm pretty sure she'd tackle me and then spend all her money on another pair of front row seats for another One Direction concert.

I get on the ferry and park my car. I get out and look for the bathroom. I find one and go in.

When I come back out, I hit someone with the door. I quickly say sorry and run back to my car. The person I hit said something, but I couldn't hear it. I get back in my car and lock it. I take my phone out and look at my texts. A piece of paper falls on to my lap. I pick it up and turn it over. It is the paper that Niall had given me. The one with all of their numbers on it. I turn it over and over, debating whether or not I should text Niall. I mean, Josie is currently flying over seas to visit her cousin, so I'm basically alone. I pick up my phone and open to a new text. My fingers hover over the letter H. What if he just gave me this to be nice? Well, he didn't have to give it to me. I would've been fine without it. Maybe he gave it to me so I could give it to Josie. I bet that's it, I think. Yeah, but I'm really bored. And I still have another three hours. I quickly type 'hey' and hit send before I can think of an excuse not to.

Tara: Hey

Tara: It's Tara

I sit in the car, looking at people pass by. I see a blonde boy about my age holding an ice pack to his face. Gosh! I hope that's not the guy I hit with the door, I think. I sink into my seat, trying to make myself unnoticeable.

Niall: Hey! I didn't think you would text me

I laugh at his comment and reply.

Tara: Sorry! I'm just bored right now O_O

Niall: Don't be sorry. I'm just surprised :P

Tara: Haha. Nice face.

Niall: What face? This is my regular face :P

Tara: Haha rrriiiggghhhttt......

Niall: So, what're up to?

I stared at my screen. I was having such a nice conversation, but now he wants to know what I'm doing. I debate whether or not I should tell him I'm headed home for break or just say I'm hanging out.

Tara: Just chilling. You?

Okay, it wasn't a complete lie. I really am a car.

Niall: In my car on a ferry. I just got hit by a door :P

Woah! That's really weird. I just hit a blonde boy with a door. No way it was him, though. He would've said something to me. Or I would've recognized his accent. Plus, why would Niall be traveling to Ireland. He lives in London.

Tara: Ouch! How'd that happen?

Niall: I don't really know. It just did

Niall's POV

I hold my ice pack to my eye. Management is going to kill me for getting hurt during Holiday. Oh well. Doesn't really matter now, I think. I look down at my phone. Tara still hasn't answered me. I start to worry that I had said something wrong. I read over our texts and don't find anything that could be read rudely of taken offensively.

Tara: Sounds painful

I laugh at her comment. It is such a simple text, but to me, it seems so real. I've been a pop star for a little over a year and already it's hard figuring out who my real friends are and who are using me for popularity or money.

Niall: It does hurt quite a bit :P

I stare at my phone wishing I could ask her if I can see her again. I can't seem to think of anything but Tara. Something about her is different. I don't know what or why she makes me feel this way, but I do know that I want to see her again. Simon and Paul never found out about Josie and Tara spending the night, but I kind of wish they had. It would mean that I'd get to see Tara one last time.

Tara: I have to go. I hope you don't get a bruise!

I look into my rearview mirror and could tell that one was already forming.

Niall: Too late! Cya :P

I let out a sigh. Man, I think, I wish I could talk to her longer. Or in person.

I open my iTunes app and play "Up All Night".

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