Chapter 2: Happy Birthday Josie!

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Tara's POV

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOSIE!" I scream while holding a cupcake in my hand. Josie wakes up with a scream of excitement and jumps out of bed. I sit down in my desk chair and hand her the cupcake. Josie takes a bite and chews. I smile as I watch her pull out a piece of paper. She looks at me and reads what's on it.
"Josie Hughes is the birthday girl, go look for a necklace made of pearls," Josie reads. She looks at me and laughs but gets up anyway. Josie looks in her jewelry box, and I watch her as she rummages around for another clue. I see her grab the paper and smile.
"What's better than a cold glass of water? Try a picture of your brother's daughter." Josie walks over to her bookcase and finds her picture of her brother's Christmas card. She flips it over and finds my note.
"Last one I promise, go find your boyfriend Thomas." Josie looks at me and smiles even more.

Josie comes out of the bathroom and smiles. She drags me out the door and down the stairs. I pull away from her grasp and stop. She turns around and looks at me.
"Tara! It's almost 1:00! Thomas is probably wondering where the heck we are!" Josie complains. I bend over and try to catch my breath. Josie comes over and just grabs my hand and walks. I stumble behind her until we finally make it to the cafe where we are meeting Thomas.
When we see Thomas sitting at a table, I almost barf in my mouth. It's not that he's a mean guy; it's just that he's not the nicest guy. I mean, Josie and Thomas have been having an on again, off again relationship since they were both in their sophomore year in high school. Ugh! I can't believe she's still dating this douche! I think as I watch her run up to him. But I put on a smile anyway.
"Thomas! How have you been?" I ask nicely. He just glares at me, but he answers me nicely when he sees Josie look at him.
"Oh! Tara! I've been, um, pretty good. And you?" Thomas asks. I nod my head.
"Fine," I say. Thomas pulls Josie off him and pulls out a gift, MY gift.
"Oh baby! What's this?" Josie asks, eyeing the small box.
"Oh! This is actu-" I start to say, but Thomas interrupts me.
"This is my gift to you!" Thomas says brightly. He hands her the box. I grit my teeth and smile. I watch as she opens the box. Her whole face lights up as she pulls out the tickets.
"OHMYGOSH! OHMYGOSH!! OHMYGOSH!!!" Josie screams. I laugh and completely forget about Thomas stealing my gift. She looks at Thomas and then at me. I smile at her and give her a big hug. She hugs me tight and whispers, "I don't understand how you don't love him!" I smile and whisper back, "Oh, I guess I'm just weird like that." Josie pulls back and looks me in the eye.
"Tara Elizabeth James! You are a beautiful and wonderful girl! Why can't you see that?" Josie asks, tears filling her eyes. I roll my eyes and just hug her again.

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