Chapter 54: Talking To My Friends

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Please read A/N if you are interested in the One Direction special concert! Love ya!

Niall's POV

I get back to the flat and flop on to the couch. Liv isn't back yet, but, right now, that is perfect. I don't think I could be nice if she was home. The air around me is warm and comforting. I feel safe and secure in its darkness. I get up and grab my notebook and guitar.

"Might as well do something useful while I'm here alone," I say to myself. I open my notebook to a clean sheet of paper and grab my pen. The chords on my guitar make a nice sound so I write it down. I start humming a random tune and thinking about everything that has happened. I'm dating Liv as promo but I think I actually like her. But then there's Tara, who I know I have feelings for; however, she already has a boyfriend of her own.


The boys get back a few hours later with prizes in their hands. The song I am working on is almost finished. I'm really excited for them to read it because it really has everything I've been dealing with right now.

Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn all come over to me and take a seat. They lean forward, their elbows on their knees, and stare at me.

"What?" I ask, putting my notebook next to me and sitting back a little to put some more distance between us.

"Let's talk about the girls," Harry says. He stares at me, his eyes telling me that they're gonna be the ones actually talking whilst I listen quietly.

"Which girl do you prefer us to talk about first, Niall?" Louis asks, mischief dripping from his voice. I gulp down as I realize this isn't just a regular guy to guy talk about a girl conversation. 

Tara's POV

Hunter and I go off on our own to the tea cup ride, my favorite ride ever. I know, I know. It's a childish ride, but deep down, I'm still a kid. Hunter complains about having to get in the girly tea cup, but I force him in. The ride starts and I spin the tea cup in circles as it spins on the turn table. Hunter leans back and watches me laugh and have fun with the kiddy ride.

The ride ends all too soon. I beg Hunter to go on it again, but he refuses to go on it again, claiming it is ruining his masculine image. I pout a little but it has no effect. Hunter grabs my hand and pulls me behind him. I whine at him to tell me where we are going, but Hunter ignores me and keeps pulling. His grip on me is seriously tight and starting to burn a little. I tell Hunter this, but, again, he ignores me. Finally, Hunter stops behind a big booth and pulls me close, Not even after a second my feet are firm on the ground, Hunter attacks me. The pressure of his lips on mine scares me, my whole body shaking in fear. Hunter's hands start exploring the underside of the back of my shirt. I squirm under him as he pushes me against a fence. The cold metal against my back shocks me as I realize Hunter had somehow gotten my shirt off.

"Hunter!" I yell. He quiets me by forcing his lips against mine. I start hitting his chest as hard as I can. The air around us begins to get warm and sticky. Hunter leaves my mouth, but keeps his hand near my ear, and starts sucking my neck. I look past his head and spot the one person I never want to see again. The one person who could help me. I open my mouth and suck in a deep breath.

"JOSIE!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Josie whips her head around and spots me and Hunter. Her expression hardens as she realizes it's me. I silently beg her to help me but Josie stays still. Hunter is now biting my lip asking for entrance, but I keep my mouth tightly shut. I look over at Josie and see she's gone. Great, my one hope in getting out of here alive is now gone, I think sullenly.

Suddenly, Hunter falls to the ground and a panting girl holding the mallet from the hammer game across the road is standing over his fallen body. I glance over but can't see who she is. I can tell she has long hair and is wearing a dress. Other than that, I have no idea who she is.

Then I see it. The familiar blonde hair, the short dress, the crazy high heels.

Josie Hughes.

"Tara, are you okay?" Josie asks, dropping the mallet and dashing over to me. She throws her arms around me and squeezes me tight. I hug her back with just as much strength. Kelly pops in my mind as I hug Josie as tight as I can.

"Oh, Josie. You were right. You were right all along. I'm so, so sorry I didn't believe you before. I'm a horrible friend," I say, not letting her go.

"You're right. You are a horrible friend. But you're my horrible friend and I wouldn't want anyone else to take your spot," Josie finishes with tears in her eyes. I sniff and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. Josie does the same thing and we laugh at each other.

"Can we talk it out over some dinner? I'm starving," I say. Josie laughs at me and nods her head.

"You and your food," Josie says as we head out together, smiling. I don't know how I managed to survive three months without my crazy unbiological sister. But, I'm glad she's back.


Heylo! I know, I know, I know. This is a filler. But I needed Josie to be her friend again. It's not how I wanted her and Josie to make up but this is the best I could do.

Also, have you guys heard about One Direction's secret performance? They are holding a contest sort of thing for each participating country. You do something and then they pick the best one (I think!). The performance will be somewhere in London (it's a secret!) and whoever wins gets, like, two round-trip tickets to London. The performance will be on 14 November 2015. There's another contest you can enter. I'm not positive what you could win but you have to draw something that reminds you of One Direction or something like that. I don't know, I'm sorry! Go look at it. It's on their website. The website for the contest is:

The official One Direction website is:

So sorry for the long Author's Note. I just thought you guys would want to know what's going on!

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me. Love ya!

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