Josie Hughes

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Hey! My name is Josie Hughes, and I am 19 going on 20 in a month! I go to Uni right now. I'm majoring in aerospace engineering.

My roommate, Tara James, is my best friend! We love the same things and hardly ever argue. The only thing is that she doesn't know anything about One Direction, my FAVORITE band on earth. I know, liking a band that much is childish; but I don't care. All of the boys have amazing voices, and they're all so real! They seem like regular guys instead of blown up pop stars who don't care about anyone but themselves.

I love Tara like a sister, but she's so shy around guys. I've tried to set her up with my very attractive guy friends. But every time she comes home, she always says the same thing: "I'm just not good enough for him." I always tell her that she's beautiful and that any guy dating her would look hideous. But I know that no matter what I say, she'll never believe me. I guess I just have to wait for her to find a guy she's comfortable around enough to be complimented by. Maybe once she finds him, she'll finally understand how pretty she is.

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