Chapter 36: Chasing Tara

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Liam's POV

There's a knock my door; well, it's actually more like three taps. I get up from the couch and walk over to the door. I open it to find Tara standing there, her eyes pink and soft hiccups escaping every now and then.

"Hey, Liam," Tara says softly. She looks down at her shoes. I open my mouth to say something, but she looks back up. "Eric wants you down on stage for sound check. Okay?"

I nod my head.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" I ask. She glances down the hallway nervously, but she nods her head. I look at her warily. Tara looks at me and backs up a little.

"Um, just get down to the stage as soon as you can," Tara says, turning around and walking away. I watch her knock on Zayn's dressing room door. Zayn opens it, and she walks in.


We're about to finish sound check. Tara is sitting in the sound box most of the time, but she comes down during the last two songs. During One Thing, Niall keeps on looking at Tara. She is sitting in the middle of the floor since none of the chairs have been set up yet. I watch Tara as she keeps her head down. She glances up at Niall every now and then. Her expression is a mixture of sadness, happiness, and confusion. I can't quite tell why, though.

Niall sings his solo, and his eyes are fixed on Tara. He just stares at her, his eyes filled with sorrow and disappointment. What in the world happened between them? I think curiously. At the end of the song, Tara gets up to leave. She walks out the auditorium and turns left, towards the exit. I glance over at Niall and see he's looking conflicted.

"Mate, do you wanna go see where Tara is going?" Louis asks Niall. Niall looks over at him, not answering right away. As soon as he is about to say something, a huge group of girls walk in.

"Hello, ladies," Harry says to the girls. Immediately, the girls start screaming and crying. I watch them as they try to calm down. The girls are wearing special badges telling us they are the lucky winners of a radio contest. So, that means they get to come early and watch us perform some extra songs or ask us questions. Which means, Niall can't leave to find out what is up with Tara.

I look at Niall and he looks mad. But he's doing a good job at hiding it from the girls.


The show ends with girls screaming, crying, and laughing their heads off at our stupidity.

"I can't believe we had three encores!" Harry says, totally buzzing from the adrenaline. I nod my head. It really is crazy. I never imagined being this big this quickly. I get in the bus and go to my bunk. I look at Tara's bunk but she isn't there. I look in the other bunks and the bathroom, but I still can't find her. Where is she? I think, I doubt she's at a hotel since we're leaving really early in the morning. So, where is she?

"Guys, Tara's not here," I say, walking back out to the living area while pulling a clean shirt over my head. I look at each of the boys, their expressions changing from tired to worried.

"Why does she always run away from us?" Zayn asks. I look at him and shrug my shoulders. I look down at my socks and let out a sigh.

"Well, we have to look for her," Harry says. I look up and nod my head. I know that that's the right thing to do, but I don't even know her well enough to know where she would go. Louis volunteers to get the van's keys from Paul. I nod my head, sit down, and almost pee my pants. The moment I lowered my butt, it met something squishy; something not the couch.

"What the hell!" a girl shrieks. I jump up and spin around. I look down to see Liv sitting on the open spot on the couch. Liv is glaring at me which is actually scaring me a little. Her brown eyes are piercing through me. I shiver and back away. I glance at Niall who is sitting next to her. Niall is looking at Liv like he can't believe that just happened.

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